Places of interest

Things to see in the city
Breite Straße 42
- Baroque town house, built in 1775 as the home of the cloth manufacturer Heller
- used by the city as a town hall since 1825
- above the main entrance city coat of arms, made in 1866 by the Potsdam sculptor W. Koch
Breite Straße 43
- 1903 - 1905 built according to the plans of the Berlin architects Köhler and Kranz
- typical example of the favoured Renaissance reception in town hall construction
- elaborate architecture and artistic design
- representative rooms designed in neo-Renaissance style
- Wall paintings
- elaborately crafted sandstone railings
- Natural stone columns with figuratively decorated capitals
- ratskeller in the basement with historicising groined vaults
Schicklerstrasse 3
- built in 1793 as a massive two-storey residential building for the banker and owner of the steel and ironware factory David Schickler
- acquired by the state in 1830 for the forestry academy, which was moved to Eberswalde
- now single-storey plaster building with hipped roof
- Main entrance with medallion by Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold Pfeil (1783-1859)
- today used as a teaching facility of the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences
Schicklerstrasse 5
- 1873-1876 neo-Renaissance style administration and lecture theatre building
- above the basement a stately three-storey, red exposed brick building with rich terracotta decoration
- Terracotta parapet friezes
City park "Am Weidendamm"
- Work of the famous Munich sculptor Franz von Stuck
- cast in the 30s of the 20th century
- was installed here in 2001
City park "Am Weidendamm"
- life-size bronze sculpture of Bernhard Danckelmann (1831-1901), royal master forester and director of the forestry academy
- Design: Fritz Heinemann, Berlin
- Unveiling: 1905
south-west of the town - in the Schwärzetal nature reserve, Am Zainhammer 5
- founded in 1830 as a teaching institution of the forestry academy
- one of the oldest gardens in Europe
- today a practice-oriented teaching institution of the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences
north of the old town centre
- built in 1831
- oldest operational lock between the Elbe and Oder rivers, whose wooden upper gates are opened and closed by means of sliding bars
- north of the lock is the lock keeper's house, built around 1875
- simple yellow exposed brick building with pitched roof
- 1996 Foundation of the Finow Canal municipal working group
Finow district | brassworks estate
- built in 1917/18 to supply the brassworks estate
- Main work of the architect Paul Mebes
- of national importance as one of the earliest examples of Brick Expressionism in Germany
- Base area 11 x 11 metres
- 50 metre high tower made of yellow brickwork
- decommissioned as a water tower in 1964
- has been gradually renovated as a listed building since 2002
Further information:
in front of the Maria Magdalena Church
- originally tower bell of the Maria Magdalena Church
- unusually richly decorated bronze bell
- 1518 cast in Eberswalde by the Lübeck bell founder Heinrich van Kampen
- Reliefs with crucifixion scenes, Mary on the crescent moon and St Barbara
- a high-quality example of the late medieval art of bell casting
former Bismarck staircase, Goethestrasse
- staircase overcoming the steep slope and also serving as a decorative feature
- created in 1934 according to designs by the city garden inspector Fritz Schuhmann
- created in the style of the older Schiller staircase
- its hill is 42 metres above sea level and offers a rewarding view of the city
Breite Straße 45
- oldest residential building on the market
- gabled building with hipped roof, essentially half-timbered construction, cellar with barrel vault
- built in 1703 for the mayor M. Aureillon
- used as a pharmacy from 1794
- 1837 named "Löwen-Apotheke" after the market fountain
- Frederick II took up quarters several times
- gilded lion above the pharmacy entrance, around 1837
- extensive restoration in 1999
at the south-east corner of the market square
- work created in 1836 by the famous sculptor Ch. D. Rauch
- high-quality example of Berlin iron art casting originally
- wooden fountain created in 1729 by the Mark Brandenburg sculptor Hattenhasel
Church Road
- it is one of the most important High Gothic parish churches in the Mark Brandenburg from the 13th century
- the portals on the west, north and south sides with their figural decoration are considered unique here
- Special features include a bronze font, a late Renaissance altar and a neo-Gothic interior that has been largely preserved to this day
Brunnenstraße 9, below the Barnimplateau
- Originating in the representative country house built by Johann-Friedrich Dictus in 1833/34 - later called the "Märchen" villa
- from 1836 with an artistically developed park
- after an eventful history, reopened on 29 October 2004 by new owner EWE AG - and thus saved from final decay; extensively renovated and artfully restored into a magnificent and representative classicist gem
- since 1 November 2004, the town's registry office has been based here, with guests able to use the historic banqueting hall and the beautiful wedding room
With more than 300 years of existence, the brassworks settlement in the Finow district is the oldest remaining works settlement in the state of Brandenburg. The oldest cottage dates back to 1721 and the area is a listed building.
in 1913, the famous Eberswalde gold treasure was found here during excavation work for the construction of the houses on today's Gustav-Hirsch-Platz. A replica of it can be found in the museum in the Adler pharmacy. In 2007, a stele with a section of the replica was dedicated near the site of the find. It was designed and created by the Eberswalde metal designer Eckhard Herrmann and financed by the Rotary Club of Eberswalde.
The original of the gold treasure came to Moscow during the Second World War and is kept there in the Pushkin Museum.
- in 1999, the municipal housing company - WHG mbH - began extensive refurbishment of the estate in two stages. Today, around 7 million euros have already been invested.
- 1999 to 2000: The houses on Gustav-Hirsch-Platz with a total of 28 flats are modernised at a cost of EUR 2.2 million.
- 19.2.2007: Infrastructure Minister Reinhold Dellmann gives the go-ahead for the refurbishment of the Hüttenamt - from the founding year 1736.
- 2008: renovation of the archway house - built 1916-17
- 2009: Refurbishment of the civil servants' houses - built in 1905
These extensive measures would not have been possible without funding from the state, the state of Brandenburg, the city of Eberswalde and the German Foundation for Monument Protection.
The Finow water tower - built in 1917/18 - is also a magnet for visitors and locals alike. The association "Finower Wasesrturm und sein Umfeld e.V." with its chairman Arno Kuchenbecker has been committed to saving and restoring this architectural monument since 1999, with excellent results - thanks to various funding organisations, the city of Eberswalde and numerous private sponsors and small donors. The tower has now been saved; it is accessible; it provides space for a school gallery (Finow Grammar School); a Messingwerk exhibition can be admired - and the view of the Finow Valley from a height of over 50 metres makes up for the climb up the spiral walkway.
The lift for the water tower was put into operation on 30 May 2011. You can read more about the project and the construction chronicle of the striking Finow water tower here here
Further information:
Steinstrasse 3 | Museum
- oldest half-timbered house in the town from the 17th century
- nationally significant architectural monument
- a pharmacy existed here as early as 1623 - this main use continued until 1986
- Barrel vault in the cellar
- a black kitchen with an open flue up to the roof
- Pergola on the courtyard side
- Three-winged courtyard complex received its 2 main wings after 1663, incorporating the remains of older predecessor buildings
- extensive restoration from 1990 to 1997
- Used by the museum, tourist information centre and cultural office
- founded in 1905, the Eberswalde Museum presents its valuable collections of local, city and regional history on three floors
- since 1940
- two lines
- Operator - Barnimer Busgesellschaft mbH
- three cities in Germany with trolleybus service: Esslingen on the Neckar (since 1944), Solingen (since 1952) and the oldest trolleybus company in Eberswalde
City centre - directly at the market
- Opened on 1 July 2007 by Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel in the presence of the artist and namesake Prof. Paul Wunderlich, who was born in Eberswalde on 10 March 1927 (see photo)
- with permanent and special exhibitions
- Architects: GAP mbH Berlin
- Germany's most modern service and administration centre, headquarters of the district of Barnim
- Plenary hall is also the venue for the Eberswalde town council meeting
- Prof. Wunderlich has been an honorary citizen of the city of Eberswalde since 29 June 2008
City park "Am Weidendamm"
- Sculpture by Paul Wunderlich, born 20 March 1927 in Eberswalde, namesake for the Paul Wunderlich House; honorary citizen of the city since 29 June 2008
- Gift to his home town in 1998
Eberswalde main station
- Station concourse since 30 November 2007 - on the occasion of "175 years of Eberswalde Spritzkuchen"
- sculpture made of copper by metal designer Eckhard Herrmann in memory of Gustav Louis Zietemann, the inventor of the Eberswalde spritz cake in 1832
- with the opening of the Berlin - Szczecin railway line in 1842, Zietemann sold his biscuits from the platform directly into the trains; the advertising campaign of the sweetest Eberswalder began; hence the station location
Nagel- and Goethestrasse
- fortification first mentioned in a document in 1322
- merian's oldest view of the city from 1625 shows
- "New town of Eberswalde" surrounded by a town wall
- demolished in 1821-24 due to its dilapidated condition
- renovated remains of the wall on Nagelstrasse (photo) and Goethestrasse
south-west of the city - in the Schwärzetal nature reserve
- since 1779 production of Zainen (long, thin metal rods for the cutlery factory)
- since 1824 bone mill, later grain mill
- since 1987 Kunstverein "Die Mühle e.V."