Speakers' Council

What is the Spokesperson's Council?

The spokesperson's council is a committee in the Brandenburgisches Viertel (BV) that contributes to neighbourhood development. The committee votes on project applications and the associated allocation of funding, discusses the need for action and possible solutions and is regularly informed about the current state of development in the area.

To the Speaker's Council:

The first constitution of the Council of Spokespersons took place in 2003. The term of office is usually 2 years. The Council of Spokespersons consists of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 21 members. Its tasks include the development of joint project concepts and guidelines as well as the harmonisation and coordination of the various measures or the specification of further action requirements and solution approaches and much more.

Who is a member of the Speaker's Council?

The spokespersons' council is made up of the neighbourhood management (QM), representatives of residents, housing companies and active associations, initiatives and institutions from the BV. The committee currently consists of 17 members. The last constituent meeting for the reorganisation took place on 7 November 2024. The rules of procedure were also revised and adapted at this meeting.

Who can be nominated as a member?

All interested parties who are at least 16 years old and either live or work/volunteer in the BV are eligible to apply.

When will the Speakers' Council be reorganised?

The next reorganisation will take place in the last quarter of 2026.

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