Social cohesion support programme

In 1999, the Brandenburg Quarter (BV) was included in the federal-state programme "Districts with Special Development Needs - The Socially Integrative City".

Thanks to the use of funding and the commitment of local stakeholders and housing companies, many projects have already been realised and have made a positive contribution to the socio-cultural development of the district.

In the coming years, the quality of housing and life is to be further improved. Established projects are to be secured and existing structures expanded. New projects and campaigns to improve the internal and external image are to be concretised and realised together with local stakeholders. The Integrated Development Concept (IEK) 2019 developed by S.T.E.R.N. GmbH, which was adopted by the city in April 2019, forms the basis for this.

Since 2020, the projects have been implemented in the BV with the new programme "Social cohesion - shaping neighbourhood life together" (SZH).

IEK-Download as pdf

Integrated development concept 2019 for the Brandenburg neighbourhood

(for the Socially Integrative City programme)

All application forms at a glance