Welcome Centre Eberswalde: Outlook for 2025
The Welcome Centre in the Brandenburgisches Viertel creates meeting and educational spaces for women with refugee and migrant backgrounds. In the autumn and winter of last year 2024, six meetings took place in two different formats: Ewald Talk and Ewald smart.
Ewald Talk is a women's café that offers the opportunity to get to know each other, exchange ideas and practise German in a relaxed atmosphere - often while doing handicrafts.
With Ewald smart in contrast, short keynote speeches were held on topics relevant to integration into the labour market, providing information and suggestions for starting a job. The speakers included representatives from the Barnim Job Centre, the East Brandenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Kita Gestiefelter Kater, Kiko-Brandenburg and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE).
"At the beginning, we worked with a group of women from Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Bulgaria and Turkey, who were rather reserved at first. But a dynamic and inquisitive atmosphere quickly developed. The success is particularly visible in the progress made in language skills: The women have already become more self-confident and are no longer afraid to speak German in public. Together we reflect on the complexity and challenges of everyday life for women with a migration background in Germany. The balance between integration, entering the labour market and the tasks of motherhood is often a major challenge. The exchange is important and provides valuable insights into what kind of support the women need in order to create a diverse programme of encounters for 2025"explains Yaprak Onbasi-Friedrich, Integration Manager at the Welcome Centre Eberswalde.
A stable group of women has formed over the past six meetings and would be delighted to welcome more participants with and without a refugee or migrant background. The dates for 2025 have already been set: the meetings always take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the community centre in the Brandenburgisches Viertel. Ewald smart is open to all interested parties.
Ewald Talk
In the community centre in the Brandenburgisches Viertel from 10 a.m. to 12 noon
14.02.2025, 03.03.2025, 22.04.2025, 05.05.2025, 02.06.2025, 07.07.2025, 04.08.2025, 08.09.2025, 01.10.2025, 03.11.2025, 01.12.2025
Ewald smart
In the community centre in the Brandenburgisches Viertel
24.02.2025, 17.03.2025, 02.04.2025, 19.05.2025, 16.06.2025, 21.07.2025, 18.08.2025, 22.09.2025, 27.10.2025, 24.11.2025, 15.12.2025