Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre
With the Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre, the city of Eberswalde has created a house of education, advice and encounters in the centre of the city. The historic building - originally built as a municipal secondary school for girls - was extensively renovated for this purpose, taking into account accessibility and monument protection, and a modern ground-floor extension was added. Special attention was also paid to the requirements for sustainable construction. The entire building fulfils the requirements of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV 2012). Education & Lifelong Learning, Inclusion & Volunteering and Tolerance & Living in Diversity are the cornerstones of the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre. By locating several municipal and independent providers under one roof, new networks are created and organisations are opened up to existing network potential. The Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre is an attraction close to the city centre for all Eberswalde residents. Regardless of age, previous education, origin, faith, gender or financial means, they should feel comfortable and welcome here.
Because the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre is:
- A place of education, lifelong learning and the acquisition of knowledge
- A place for support, counselling and guidance
- A place for communication, encounters and networking
- A place of lived diversity, tolerance and sensitivity to discrimination

The opening of the Citizens' Education Centre on 9 August 2014

The municipal girls' secondary school around 1920

Amadeu Antonio
Amadeu Antonio Kiowa was born on 12 August 1962 in Quimbele, Angola. After training in Portugal and the Soviet Union, among other places, he came to the German Democratic Republic in 1987 together with 103 other Angolan contract workers. His wish to study aeronautical engineering did not materialise. Like many of his compatriots, he was trained as a butcher and worked in the Eberswalde slaughtering and processing combine. The cancellation of the contracts with the countries of origin in the course of the political change in 1990, the resulting unemployment and an unresolved residence status changed the situation for his pregnant girlfriend and him abruptly.
On 24 November 1990, Amadeu Antonio was persecuted and brutally beaten up for racist reasons. He died on 6 December 1990 as a result of this act of violence and is widely regarded as the first victim of right-wing extremist violence after reunification.
The naming of the Citizens' Education Centre after Amadeu Antonio is both a warning and an obligation. It represents a clear commitment to civil courage and anti-discrimination. This results in a cross-sectional task for all those involved, which obliges the centre to be a discrimination-sensitive place and is reflected in certain offer formats as well as in daily interaction. Everyday racism has no place at the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre.
A dedication plaque in the entrance area of the building commemorates Amadeu Antonio. It was jointly written and designed by representatives of the African Cultural Association Palanca e.V., the Light me Amadeu campaign, the Coordination Centre for Tolerance and against Xenophobia and the city of Eberswalde.

3. Upper floor
Parenting and family counselling centre
The parenting and family counselling centre has been in Eberswalde since 1996. It is a point of contact for parents, children and young people, grandparents and also for educators seeking professional advice. The parenting and family counselling centre in Eberswalde has a team of five, consisting of three social education workers with additional therapeutic training and two psychologists, including a child and adolescent psychotherapist. The counselling and support services offered by the parenting and family counselling centre are confidential and free of charge.
2. Upper floor
Förderverein Akademie 2.Lebenshälfte im Land Brandenburg e.V.
The Akademie 2.Lebenshälfte is a nationwide non-profit organisation that has also been active in Eberswalde since it was founded in 1994. It brings together people who want to further their education, get involved and initiate new ideas in the region. The academy's declared aim is to utilise, maintain and develop the skills of older people.
Förderverein Akademie 2. Lebenshälfte im Land Brandenburg e.V.
Consumer advice centre Brandenburg e.V.
The consumer advice centres are independent, predominantly publicly funded, non-profit organisations. The aim of their work is to inform, advise and support consumers in matters of private consumption. They provide an overview of confusing offers and an insight into complex market conditions. At the Eberswalde advice centre of the Brandenburg Consumer Advice Centre, citizens from the region receive personal and independent advice. In addition to traditional consumer law - from purchase contracts to cancellation and complaints - the consumer advice centre in Eberswalde offers advice on telephone and internet, finances, pensions and insurance, travel and leisure, energy saving, broadcasting fees and nutrition. It also offers initial advice on tenancy law.
1. Upper floor
Eberswalde Employment Agency (link missing)
Parent-Child Centre Stadtmitte
The Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Stadtmitte supports families, single mothers and fathers, young parents and all those who want to become parents in coping with everyday life. After all, being a parent is usually no child's play. Parents want to encourage and support their children to the best of their ability. This often raises questions that can be unsettling and require the advice and experience of others. The Stadtmitte Parent-Child Centre is a place where parents and their children can meet, exchange ideas and seek advice in an informal atmosphere. Here they get to know families who may be living in a similar situation. The centre also provides parents with specialist advice and support from the team. The Eltern- Kind-Zentrum Stadtmitte therefore creates opportunities for families to engage, exchange ideas and receive support.
Parent-Child Centre Stadtmitte
Eberswalde Volunteer Agency
The Eberswalde Volunteer Agency has been in existence since autumn 2008. It was founded in co-operation between the Barnim Uckermark Community Foundation and the city of Eberswalde. The volunteer agency is an independent, cross-agency information and advice centre for the promotion of civic engagement. It sees itself as a point of contact for the local authority, for clubs, associations and initiatives, for businesses and, of course, for interested citizens. The Volunteer Agency is a professional contact point for volunteering and a platform for volunteer culture. The volunteer agency builds a bridge between clubs, organisations and potential volunteers. The agency advises, provides initial orientation, mediates and accompanies volunteers. The volunteer agency opens up institutions and organisations to volunteer work, provides training opportunities and contributes to the quality assurance of volunteer work. It also initiates projects and events and supports the establishment of new volunteer projects.
Ground floor
Eberswalde City Library
Library with more than 40,000 media: These include books, magazines, DVDs, board games, electronic games, music CDs and audio books. Media that are not in stock can be ordered through the connection to the German lending network. WLAN and Internet workstations are available for registered readers. Users are welcome to enjoy a coffee, read a newspaper, listen to an audio book or browse through a book in the library. There are two child-friendly rooms for children aged between zero and 13, where regular events for the youngest readers take place, e.g. reading sessions or picture book cinema. There is also a separate area for young users. This is divided into two rooms, one for working and one for chilling out. The library also has console games equipment for playing in the children's or youth library. For adults, there is the knowledge station, a room with internet workstations, non-fiction books and the option to print, copy and scan.
Eberswalde City Library (link missing)
Day care centre "House of Little Scientists"
"Me and you - we are little world explorers!" is the motto under which up to 100 children learn and live in the House of Little Explorers. Here, children are busy researching and experimenting, naturally according to their age and stage of development. Even the youngest children are encouraged by the multi-faceted wooden play walls in the play corridor to understand their environment with their own hands. Together, the little explorers discover the world and scrutinise everyday natural phenomena. The daycare centre has its own children's laboratory and a portable experiment table for field research. As part of the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre, another focus of the daycare centre's work is to educate children to be aware of prejudice. However, the exchange between parents and teachers is also important, as both are the most important educational guides who can recognise the children's interests and inclinations and support them in their development in the long term. The daycare centre has been officially certified by the nationwide "Haus der kleinen Forscher" foundation.
Day care centre "House of Little Scientists"
Counselling room



Letting of rooms
The Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre has two functional rooms that can be rented by private individuals and groups. Both rooms are located on the 2nd floor and have large window fronts facing south, which have been refurbished in line with historical preservation requirements.
The hall in the Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre is 150 m2 in size. It is equipped with a projector and electro-acoustic system. It can currently accommodate up to 97 people. The seating can be adapted to suit the respective utilisation requirements. Both table and row seating as well as individual seating options are possible. A mobile platform stage is available.
The hall is the former assembly hall of the building, which was built as a school. The extension from the 1950s has a new parquet floor as well as an acoustically valuable and listed woven ceiling construction.
The counselling room, which can also be rented, is approx. 35 m2 in size. It is ideal for group meetings, seminars and consultations and has suitable presentation areas and moderation equipment. There is currently room for up to 16 people at the counselling table (standard equipment).
In addition to the consultation room and the hall, the café on the first floor of the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre can also be rented for events, seminars or similar. The café can currently be used for up to 35 people.
The hall, the consultation room and the café are rented and booked via the house coordination of the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre.