Services from A to Z

Bitten beachten Sie, dass Sie auf dieser Seite nur Informationen zu den von der Stadt Eberswalde angebotenen Leistungen finden können. Eine umfassende Übersicht aller Verwaltungsleitungen inklusive der zuständigen Behörde und weiterer Informationen finden Sie im Bürger- und Unternehmensservice Brandenburg.

Zum Bürger- und Unternehmensservice Brandenburg

If there is more household waste than will fit in the black residual waste bin, it can also be disposed of in a waste bag (capacity approx. 80 litres). The waste bag is labelled with the Barnim district and can be placed next to the residual waste bin on the day of collection. Waste bags without a label will not be taken away by the waste disposal company.

The waste bags are handed out at the Citizens' Information Centre in Eberswalde Town Hall during office hours. For further distribution points, please refer to the Barnim district waste calendar.

Since 1 January 2022, lightweight packaging (LVP) in the Barnim district has been collected in yellow bins, which have replaced the yellow sack. Therefore, yellow bags are no longer issued.


  • Waste bag per piece 7,90 €

The fees are set by Kreiswerke Barnim.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Anyone who moves out of a flat and does not move into a new flat in the Federal Republic of Germany must deregister within two weeks after or one week before moving out. There is no obligation to deregister if you move within the Federal Republic of Germany.

There is therefore an obligation to deregister:

  1. in the event of default abroad
  2. if a person subject to registration gives up their sole residence without moving into a new residence in the Federal Republic of Germany
  3. if a person subject to registration gives up one of several residences in Germany without moving into a new residence in Germany at the same time (e.g. secondary residence)

The cancellation can be made by a person of legal age for the entire family. It can be done in person or in writing. For persons up to the age of 16, the obligation to register must be fulfilled by the person from whose home the minor is moving out.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport

for written deregistration: informal letter and copy of identity card or passport

Forms & Downloads

Legal bases (general)

§ Section 17 ff of the Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Genealogical research has recently become more and more of a centre of interest for citizens. Many people are asking themselves: "Who are my ancestors?" or "Where do I come from?"

You can rely on the experience of our staff to answer these questions. We will be happy to assist you in your search for your ancestors.

Depending on which year you need documents from, please contact the district archive or the registry office.

Civil registers:

  • Birth registers
    District archive until 1898
    Registry office 1899 until today
  • Marriage books
    District archive until 1928
    Registry office 1929 until today
  • Death books
    District archive until 1978
    Registry office 1979 until today

Barnim district
District archive
Neue Straße 4, 16225 Eberswalde
Phone: 03334/33761
Fax: 03334/3865096


It is not necessary to appear in person. However, your written request for information and documents should be as detailed as possible.


A fee is charged for information from the civil status registers in accordance with the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government - GebOMIK), even if a search has been unsuccessful.

Required documents

The information about the person or persons you are looking for, such as date of birth, marriage or death, should be as detailed as possible.

Legal bases (general)

  • Ordinance on fees for public services in the portfolio of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government - GebOMIK)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Description of the

Anyone moving into a flat must register within two weeks (if moving in from outside or moving into another flat in Eberswalde) or re-register (if moving within the city of Eberswalde). A flat is considered to be occupied when it is actually used for everyday living. It is sufficient if a family member of legal age makes the registration. Representation is only permitted upon presentation of a proper power of attorney. The person you authorise must be able to provide the information required for the proper maintenance of the registration register. For persons up to the age of 16, the obligation to register must be fulfilled by the person whose home the minor is moving into.

Required documents

  • Identity cards, passports or children's passports (of all persons who are registered or re-registered)
  • Landlord confirmation
  • marriage certificate, if applicable
  • birth certificate, if applicable
  • authorisation for registration and re-registration, if applicable
  • if applicable, declaration of consent for re-registration of a minor
  • if necessary, data transfer for deregistration and re-registration

Further documents may be required. Foreign documents must have been translated by an interpreter recognised in Germany.

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • § 17 ff. Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Description of the

There is a claim for reimbursement for damage caused by game if it has occurred on land on which hunting is permitted. As a rule, these are areas outside residential areas. The damage must be reported to the local regulatory authority within one week of the authorised party becoming aware of the damage.


Costs of the preliminary proceedings (if applicable, remuneration of the valuer, expenses of the declaratory authority)

Required documents

informal written notification by the property owner, stating the telephone number, fax or e-mail address. Information on the location of the property (district, parcel, plot)

Information on the occurrence of damage, approximate size and type of damage.

Legal bases (general)

  • 46 Hunting Act for the State of Brandenburg (BbgJagdG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-321

If you want to get married, the marriage must first be registered at the registry office of your place of residence. The registration can be made at the earliest six months before the wedding.

If neither of the partners lives in Eberswalde, the Eberswalde registry office is not responsible for registering the marriage. However, it is still possible to get married in Eberswalde. Please register at the registry office of your place of residence.

If you, your fiancée or your fiancé have a foreign nationality, a prior personal consultation at the registry office is required. If you would like to get married abroad, we recommend that you contact the relevant registry office or the consular mission of the country in question directly.

Where you can get married in Eberswalde

Wedding venues

  1. Märchenvilla, Brunnenstraße 9, 16225 Eberswalde
  2. Zoological Garden, Am Wasserfall 1, 16225 Eberswalde

Appointments for marriages can be made by telephone or in person by appointment. If you or your partner are unable to attend, you can also register on your own. However, a written power of attorney is required.


The fees for registering a marriage are to be charged individually and are based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK).

Required documents

If you have your main residence in Eberswalde, are of legal age, have German citizenship and have not yet been married or partnered, the following documents are required for registration:

  • Identity card or passport.
    A valid identity document must be presented at the time of registration.
  • A certified copy of the birth register.
    You can obtain a photocopy from the registry office where you were born. In the case of foreign certificates, a translation by a state-recognised German translator is required. The original document and translation must be available.
  • Shared child.
    If you have a child together, we need a new birth certificate in which you are both registered as parents. You can obtain this certificate from the registry office where the birth of your child was registered.

Special requirements

There are cases in which further documents must be submitted. Please read the following points carefully so that your supporting documents are complete:

  • If you or your partner are not registered in Eberswalde, you will need a current certificate of residence from your place of residence. The registration office of your place of residence will issue the certificate.
  • If you have already been married or partnered, you will also need a certified copy of the marriage register of your last marriage with a note of dissolution or the partnership certificate with a note of dissolution. You can obtain a copy of the marriage register from the registry office in your former home town, and a copy of the partnership register from the registry office or the authority where your partnership was registered.
  • If your marriage or partnership has only recently been dissolved so that the dissolution has not yet been entered in the marriage register or partnership register, a divorce decree with a final judgement is sufficient in addition to a copy of the marriage register or partnership certificate.

Certificate service

If you require documents from the Eberswalde registry office for your registration, you can obtain them in person, in writing or by post here order online.

Legal bases (general)

  • Civil Status Act (PStG)
  • Ordinance on the Implementation of the Civil Status Act (PStVO)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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The admission of a child to a daycare centre requires a written application by the legal guardians. Children up to school age are entitled to a minimum care period of six hours and children of primary school age are entitled to a minimum care period of four hours. A longer childcare period must be applied for in writing to the Barnim district youth welfare office.


For the use of day care centres, fees are charged to the parents/guardians. The application is free of charge.

Required documents

Legal basis (local law)

Legal bases (general)

  • Daycare Centre Act of the State of Brandenburg (KitaG)
  • German Civil Code (BGB)
  • Second Act on the Implementation of Book Eight of the Social Code SGB VIII - KJHG

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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Appointments by appointment only, online appointment allocation here possible

Anyone wishing to temporarily operate a catering business on an ad hoc basis must notify the competent authority for the location in question in writing using the form (Gagev) two weeks before the start of operations. The authority shall certify receipt of the notification. Tradespeople who have notified a catering business in a standing trade or who are in possession of a travelling trade licence for their intended activity are not subject to this notification obligation. Changes to the type of business and whether the intention is to offer alcoholic beverages must be notified immediately using the form.


Certificate of receipt of the notification of a temporary catering business EUR 32.00

Certificate of amendment of the notification EUR 10.00

Required documents

  1. Display (Gagev)
  2. Identity card

Legal bases (general)

  • Brandenburg Catering Act (BbgGastG) § 2 Para. 2 - 6

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to operate a catering business in a standing trade must notify the competent authority for the location in question of the business registration or business re-registration at least four weeks before the start of the business using the "Business registration" or "Business re-registration" form.

The advert must also state:

  1. which operating mode is involved and
  2. whether the intention is to offer alcoholic beverages.

If, in the case of legal entities or associations without legal capacity, another person is appointed to represent the company in accordance with the law, articles of association or partnership agreement after the notification has been certified, the authority must be notified immediately.


Registration of a catering business:

  • natural person 26,00 EUR
  • legal entity with one legal representative EUR 31.00
  • eUR 13.00 for each additional legal representative
  • Re-registration of a catering business:
  • natural persons and legal entities EUR 20.00
  • If alcoholic beverages are served, the aforementioned fee is increased by EUR 10.00 for each natural person and each legal representative.

Required documents

  1. Identity card or passport with current registration certificate
  2. for foreigners: Residence permit that includes "Gainful employment permitted"

If the intention is to serve alcoholic beverages, the authority must immediately check the reliability of the notifying party. For this purpose, the notifying party must submit the following documents at the same time as the business licence application:

  1. proof of the certificate of good conduct applied for in accordance with Section 30 (5) of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act (document type O)
  2. proof of the requested information from the central trade register for submission to the authorities in accordance with Section 150 (5) of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (document type 9)
  3. a certificate in tax matters

Legal bases (general)

  • Brandenburg Catering Act (BbgGastG) § 2 Para. 1/3-6; § 3 Para. 1

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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Form for the notification of the keeping of a dog according to § 2 Dog Owner Ordinance of 25 June 2024 (GVBl. II - No. 42 of 25 June 2024).

Note: The tax registration does not replace the notification obligation according to § 2 HundehV!

Display form

If explosive ordnance is to be detonated in the area of the city of Eberswalde (e.g. chimneys, buildings), this must be reported to the public order office 1 - 4 weeks in advance, depending on the number of detonations required. Anyone who discovers or possesses explosive ordnance or knows of sites where buried, buried or flooded explosive ordnance is located is obliged to report this immediately to the nearest local regulatory authority or the police.



Required documents


Legal bases (general)

  • 3. Ordinance to the Explosives Act in the currently valid version
  • Ordinance on the prevention of damage caused by explosive ordnance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

32.1 - General safety and order

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The City of Eberswalde keeps a trade register of all tradespeople registered in the area of responsibility of the City of Eberswalde. This is not a public register. There is no legal entitlement to information from this register.


  • Information per person 10,00 EUR
  • eUR 15.00 per person for investigations beyond the existing documents

Required documents

written request for information with reasons, especially in cases where information is requested in addition to the three basic data (name, business address, activity)

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 14 para. 8

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


You can have your data blocked in the City of Eberswalde's register of residents in accordance with Section 51 of the Federal Registration Act if you can credibly demonstrate that there are facts which justify the assumption that you or another person may be at risk to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection by providing information from the register of residents to a non-public body or person.

There is a strict standard for the entry of an information block. Each application should be documented by appropriate evidence (e.g. confirmation from police and/or judicial authorities, superiors). Before an information block is entered, your details will be checked by the registration authority. If the relevant requirements are met, the information block will be entered for a limited period of two years. An extension is possible on request.

Required documents

  • Informal application with justification/supporting documents for the necessity of setting up an information block

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • § Section 51 Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

From 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m., activities that are likely to disturb the peace at night are prohibited. Justified exceptions to the ban may be authorised if the activity during the night is in the public interest or in the particular overriding interest of one of the parties involved.


10,00 € - 767,00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of place, time, duration, occasion

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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Devices used to produce or reproduce sound or sound signals (sound devices), in particular loudspeakers, sound reproduction devices, musical instruments, bangers and similar devices, may only be used at such a volume that uninvolved persons are not significantly disturbed. On application, an exception may be authorised in individual cases where there is a public or overriding special private interest.


10,00 € - 102,00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the reason for the event, event location, event period

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Burning and setting fire to materials outdoors is prohibited if this could endanger or cause a nuisance to the neighbourhood or the general public. Exceptions to this may be granted on application, e.g. for the lighting and burning of traditional, customary or bonfires.


An exemption licence is not required if the following conditions are met for fireplaces on privately used land:

  • The fireplace is only used occasionally.
  • Only natural, lumpy wood including adhering bark, e.g. in the form of logs, branches and brushwood, is used as fuel.
  • The fuel is air-dry.
  • The size of the fire pile must not exceed the following dimensions (diameter 1 m, height 1 m).
  • Wood fires must not be lit during prolonged dry spells and/or strong winds.
  • Campfires may not be lit from forest fire level III.
  • The fire is monitored by a reliable supervisor until the embers are completely extinguished. It must be ensured that the fire can be extinguished immediately in the event of heavy smoke development.
  • A sufficient distance must be maintained between the fireplace and the nearest building intended for human habitation.
  • The distance between a fire and the forest must be at least 50 metres, and at least 30 metres for owner-occupied properties close to the forest. From forest fire warning level III and IV, burning is also prohibited on these properties.

The burning of other waste from households and gardens, in particular moist plant waste in the open air, is prohibited in accordance with Section 4 (1) of the Waste Compost and Incineration Ordinance.


10.00 - 77.00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of occasion/reason/venue of the fire, person responsible
  • Location of the fire (sketch), date, time (from-to)
  • Details of the owner of the property
  • Information on the distances to buildings, trees, wooded areas, agricultural land, etc. Areas
  • Information on fuel and size of the fireplace

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event. The forest fire warning level applicable at the time of burning must be enquired about independently.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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Class II fireworks are fireworks that may normally be set off on New Year's Eve by any person aged 18 or over. Throughout the rest of the year, it is generally not permitted to use or set off fireworks. If you wish to set off such fireworks on another occasion (event of special significance, e.g. wedding), you will require an exemption licence.


(minimum fee 30.86€ according to SprengKostVÄndV 3)

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the date and time of the fireworks display
  • Details of the location of the fireworks display (site plan, safety distances)
  • Information on the occasion of the fireworks display
  • Information on the number of fireworks

The application must be submitted at least 14 days before the fireworks display (statutory deadline).

Legal bases (general)

First Ordinance to the Explosives Act (1.SprengV)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The Legal Department is responsible for processing accidents involving vehicles. If the damage was caused by a vehicle belonging to the City of Eberswalde, the Legal Department will prepare a damage report, which will then be submitted to the municipal vehicle insurance company for further claims processing together with the required documents listed below. The motor vehicle liability insurance company will then contact the injured party directly.

Required documents

Damage description by the injured party (verbal or written), if possible with a sketch, photos if necessary, police report if available and evidence of the amount of damage. Expert reports should only be commissioned after prior consultation.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The Legal Department is responsible for processing claims for damages against the City of Eberswalde. The notice of claim prepared by the Legal Department, together with the required documents listed below, is submitted to the Municipal Claims Equalisation Office, with which the City of Eberswalde claims liability cover, for further claims processing. The municipal loss adjustment organisation will then contact the injured party directly.

Required documents

Damage description by the injured party (written, informal) stating the exact location of the damage (with sketch, photos if necessary) and time of damage as well as evidence of the amount of damage.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

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The personal contribution is waived for pupils who, on 1 August of a given year

  • Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Act
  • Assistance towards living expenses in accordance with the third chapter of the Twelfth Book of the German Social Code - Social Welfare or
  • ALG-II or social benefit - basic income support for jobseekers.


The application is free of charge.

Required documents

  • Decision on the authorisation of benefits to secure subsistence in accordance with the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II)
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal bases (general)

  • Ordinance on the authorisation of learning materials and on the freedom of learning materials (Learning Materials Ordinance-LernMV) in conjunction with the Brandenburg School Act

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Copies of documents issued by the authority itself or required for submission to an authority can be officially notarised. The originals of the documents must be available for legalisation. These can be certificates, attestations, social security books and much more. Signatures are also notarised. These must be done in the presence of the clerk.

Civil status documents such as birth, marriage and death certificates and documents in connection with inheritance matters, trade licences, hunting licences, fishing licences, driving licences, civil law contracts and foreign documents, translations of foreign-language documents and much more are not certified.


  • 2,00 € per notarisation (per page)
  • 3.00 € per notarised signature
  • 0,50 € per copy DIN A4 (b/w)

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Original documents

Legal bases (general)

  • Administrative Procedure Act §§ 33 and 34 (VwVFG)
  • Ordinance on fees for official acts in the portfolio of the Minister of the Interior (GebOMIK)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Students who are enrolled at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) and have moved their main place of residence to Eberswalde are eligible to apply. Trainees who are completing a school-based vocational training programme at an educational institution located in Eberswalde or who are completing a dual vocational training programme at a training company located in Eberswalde are also eligible to apply.

Further requirements are that the date of registration of the main residence in Eberswalde is no more than 3 months before the date of first enrolment at HNEE or before the start of the training programme and that the students or trainees were not registered as having their main residence in Eberswalde within a period of 18 months before this registration. If students or trainees move their main place of residence outside of Eberswalde again, applications for welcome money submitted after this time may no longer be granted, even if they move back.

The welcome allowance is granted for a maximum of 10 semesters or half-years of study.

The welcome grant amounts to € 100.00 for the semester or half-year for which it is granted for the first time and € 70.00 for each subsequent semester or half-year.

Applications can generally be submitted for the current semester or training half-year in the period from 1 March to 31 August and 1 September to 28/29 February of the respective year.

Required documents

  • fully completed application for welcome money
  • Identity card or passport


  • for first application: Certificate of enrolment
  • for subsequent applications: Student ID card or certificate of enrolment for the current semester


  • for school-based vocational training: school certificate for the current half-year of training
  • for dual vocational training: Certificate from the training company confirming that the respective trainee is completing his/her training in the respective training semester in the training company located in Eberswalde

Forms | Downloads

  • Application for a welcome grant for students and trainees (students)
  • Application for a welcome grant for students and trainees (trainees)

Legal basis (local law)

  • Guideline of the City of Eberswalde on the granting of a welcome allowance for students and trainees (local law)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Devices used to produce or reproduce sound or sound signals (sound devices), in particular loudspeakers, sound reproduction devices, musical instruments, bangers and similar devices, may only be used at such a volume that uninvolved persons are not significantly disturbed. On application, an exception may be authorised in individual cases where there is a public or overriding special private interest.


10,00 € - 102,00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the reason for the event, event location, event period

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the currently valid version

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The marriage certificate is issued and handed over at the time of the marriage. You can order additional marriage certificates at a later date.

Further information on the marriage certificate:

  • The marriage certificate contains details of the marriage, including the time and place. It also provides information about your name during the marriage and whether the marriage still exists (divorce, death).
  • You can also obtain an international copy of the marriage certificate. This is a multilingual certificate that you can use abroad.
  • We only issue marriage certificates for marriages that took place in Eberswalde or if we keep the marriage register, formerly the family register, for marriages that took place abroad.


You can sign the marriage certificate in person, in writing or here order online.

The appointment can also be made by an authorised representative; power of attorney and the representative's identity card or passport must also be presented. If you attend in person, we will endeavour to issue the certificate immediately. The parties themselves or first-degree relatives (parents, children, etc.) are entitled to receive a marriage certificate.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities' Business Area (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate requested at the same time. The certificate is issued free of charge for submission to authorities and courts. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Date of marriage

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Do you need an international birth certificate? We will issue you with a multilingual birth certificate that you can use abroad.

Please remember that the international birth certificate can only be issued by the registry office that notarised the birth.


You can order the birth certificate in person, in writing.

The appointment can also be made by an authorised representative; power of attorney and the representative's identity card or passport must also be presented. If you appear in person, we will endeavour to issue the certificate immediately.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities' Business Area (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate requested at the same time. The certificate is issued free of charge for submission to authorities and courts. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The civil partnership certificate is created and issued when a same-sex civil partnership is established. Further civil partnership certificates can be ordered at a later date.


You can sign the marriage certificate in person, in writing or here order online.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities' Business Area (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate requested at the same time. The certificate is issued free of charge for submission to authorities and courts. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Date of marriage

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


You need a birth certificate for various matters, such as for insurance, for the bank or simply for your application.


You can request the birth certificate in person, in writing or here order online.

Please remember that the birth certificate can only be issued by the registry office that notarised the birth.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities' Business Area (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate requested at the same time. The certificate is issued free of charge for submission to authorities and courts. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


You need a death certificate to settle an inheritance matter before the probate court or to be able to claim private and statutory insurance benefits.

You can obtain the required death certificate from the registry office that originally notarised the death.

You can request the death certificate in person, in writing or here order online.

The appointment can also be made by an authorised representative; in this case, the power of attorney and the identity card or passport of the person to be represented must be presented.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities' Business Area (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate to be issued at the same time. The issuing of the certificate for submission to authorities and courts is free of charge. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided."

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The birth of a child must be registered at the registry office of the place of birth and is notarised there.

If your child is born at Eberswalde Hospital, the hospital will take care of the registration formalities with us. Otherwise, the midwife, family doctor or emergency doctor will issue the birth notification, which you must present to us for notarisation.

Information about the notarisation of births

  • The basis for certifying the birth of a child is the birth announcement. This is where the hospital states where and when the child was born; the hospital officially registers the birth. The notification of birth contains the information about the child's parents required for notarisation. In particular, the parents have the opportunity to enter the surname or first names of their child here.
  • If the birth took place in a birthing centre or at home, the medical part of the birth certificate is completed by the midwife who assisted with the birth. If a midwife was not involved in the birth, a family doctor or emergency doctor who has been called in can also complete the birth report, for example in the case of an emergency birth.

Different documents are required depending on the marital status of the parents or mother:

  • married motherthe family register or a certified copy of the marriage register; in the case of a marriage abroad, the marriage certificate with a German translation and, if applicable, a copy of the national passport, possibly the birth certificates of the parents
  • unmarried mother
    Birth certificate or certified copy of the birth entry
  • divorced mothera certified copy of the marriage register with a note of dissolution; if married abroad, the marriage certificate with a German translation as well as a legally binding divorce decree and, if applicable, the recognition of the foreign divorce for German law, possibly the birth certificate
  • widowed mothera certified copy of the marriage register with a note on the death of the husband or the family register and the death certificate, if applicable the birth certificate

Certificate service

If you need certificates from the Eberswalde registry office for your registration, you can order them in person, in writing or online.


An appointment is only necessary if this is not covered by the clinic or if documents are missing.


Notarisation of the birth is free of charge. Fee-free certificates are only issued once for statutory purposes such as child benefit, parental benefit or health insurance.

If you wish to have one or more additional birth certificate(s) issued, the following fees are payable in accordance with the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government - GebOMIK) Fees to be charged. These amount to €15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and €7.50 for each additional certificate requested to be issued at the same time. The issuing of the certificate for submission to authorities and courts is free of charge. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided."

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Birth notification from the hospital, midwife, family doctor or emergency doctor
  • Civil status documents

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


If a person dies in Eberswalde, the death is notarised by the Eberswalde registry office. The basis for this is the notification of death which, in addition to the personal details, also contains information on the exact place and time of the death.

With regard to the medical part, the death certificate is decisive, in which a doctor provides binding information about the place and time of death.

In most deaths, a funeral director will take care of the formalities. The funeral directors submit the necessary documents to the registry office and receive the death certificates.


If a funeral parlour takes care of the formalities, a personal visit to the registry office is not necessary.


Notarisation of a death is free of charge. Free certificates are issued for legal purposes, such as funerals, health insurance or pensions.

If you wish to have one or more additional death certificates issued, the following fees are payable in accordance with the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities (Fee Schedule of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK) Fees to be charged. These amount to €15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and €7.50 for each additional certificate requested to be issued at the same time. The issuing of the certificate for submission to authorities and courts is free of charge. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

Required documents

  • Death notice
  • Death certificate
  • Proof of last place of residence (identity card)
  • Civil status documents

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Residents of the parking management area can apply for a resident parking permit for their parking zone. This shows the parking zone, the car's licence plate number and the period of validity. With the iD card inserted behind the windscreen they can park in the green areas of their parking zone without time restrictions.

Residents are citizens with their main residence, in justified cases also citizens with a secondary residence.


  • 30.70 € annual fee
  • 50,00 € for two years
  • € 2.55 per month, but not less than the minimum fee of € 10.20
  • 10.20 € in the event of loss of the parking permit, relocation or change of vehicle within the current year

The fees are charged in accordance with Section 265 of the German Road Traffic Fee Regulations (GebOSt). The fee already paid will not be refunded if the parking permit is returned prematurely.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Driving licence
  • Vehicle registration document
  • Pitch negative certificate

If you as the resident are not the owner of the vehicle, a certificate from the vehicle owner stating that you are authorised to use the vehicle permanently must be submitted.


Online - resident parking permit

(Please scan or photograph the necessary documents / alternatively print them out and submit them):

Apply for a resident parking permit

Extend resident parking permit

Replace resident parking permit

Change resident parking permit

Park area search

Legal basis

  • Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

For the development or redesign of areas, developed and undeveloped plots of land can be reorganised by reallocation in such a way that the location, shape and size of the plots are suitably designed for building or other use.

Initiation and implementation of land readjustment procedures (reallocation) in accordance with §§ 45 ff. Building Code in areas covered by development plans.

Contact person
Mr Kay-Uwe Bahrdt
Phone: 03334/64-614

Legal bases (general)

§45 to §84 of the Building Code (BauGB)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Support and coordination in the planning of construction measures in the field of monument protection

Advice on applying for funding

Responsible organisational unit(s) external

Lower monument protection authority of the district of Barnim
Am Markt 1, 16225 Eberswalde
Tel. 03334/2141-385, e-mail:

Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments
District of Wünsdorf, Wünsdorfer Platz 4-5, 15806 Zossen
Phone: 033702 211-1200, Fax: 033702 211-1202

Legal bases (general)

Monument area statutes for the brassworks estate

Brandenburg Monument Protection Act - BbgDSchG

List of monuments of the state of Brandenburg

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-624

If you did not choose a joint surname when you got married, you can do so at any time.

Information about the retrospective declaration

The declaration can be made at any registry office. It only becomes effective when it is registered at the registry office that keeps your marriage register. Ordered documents or certificates will then be sent to you.

Where is my marriage register kept?

If you got married in Germany, the marriage register will be kept and stored at the marriage registry office. If your marriage took place abroad before 24 February 2007 and you have applied for a family register, you will receive a certified copy of the marriage register from the registry office of your former place of residence.

If the subsequent certification of your marriage took place after 24 February 2007, the marriage register will be kept at the registry office that carried out the subsequent certification.


A joint personal interview is required.


In accordance with the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK), the following fees are payable for the declaration of name Fees in the amount of € 37.00 will be charged. In accordance with the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities (Fee Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK), the following fees are payable for the issue of a marriage certificate with a new name continue to charge fees in the amount of € 15.00.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • notarised copy of the marriage register
    If you got married here, your marriage register is available here. If you were married abroad or if one of you is not a German citizen, please contact us for further advice.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


A family register was created for every marriage in the Federal Republic of Germany. Since the entry into force of the civil status law on 1 January 2009, this form of document has been discontinued; instead, there is now the marriage register.

The marriage register lists the dates of your marriage, the names you used during the marriage and any dissolution of the marriage, but it no longer contains any information about the parents or children of the spouses.

If in future you require proof of the birth of a child born abroad who was entered in your family register before 31 December 2008, we will provide you with photocopies of the earlier family register.

Where is my marriage register kept?

If you got married in Germany, the marriage register will be kept and stored at the marriage registry office. If your marriage took place abroad before 24 February 2007 and you have had a family register created on request, you will receive a certified copy of the marriage register from the registry office of your former place of residence. If the subsequent certification of your marriage took place after 24 February 2007, the marriage register will be kept at the registry office that carried out the subsequent certification.


The fee to be charged is based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government's area of responsibility (Fee Schedule of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government - GebOMI and amounts to € 15.00 for the first certificate to be issued and € 7.50 for each additional certificate requested at the same time. The certificate is issued free of charge for submission to authorities and courts. Corresponding proof of the request for submission to an authority or court must be provided.

The certificate can only be issued once your payment has been received. The request for payment will be made in writing.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Spouse's maiden name and joint surname

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The intended marriage is registered at the relevant registry office. You must be resident in Eberswalde to use this service. The application to register the marriage is completed by the registrar. It is therefore necessary for the applicant to appear in person. If it is not possible for an engaged couple to appear in person, the citizen will be given the form of the power of attorney (declaration of accession).


The basic fee for marriage registration for two German nationals is €33.00. The basic fee with foreign participation is €55.00. In addition, there are fees for the register of births, marriages and deaths and for any certificates required.

Required documents

Classic example: 2 unmarried Germans, born in the new federal states, without a child, need:

  • Registration of the marriage
  • Authorisation form (declaration of accession)
  • Identity cards
  • a current certificate of parentage from the birth registry office
  • a current certificate of residence from the Citizens' Service Centre

Please always ask the registrar for the necessary documents!

Legal bases (general)

  • Civil Status Act
  • Civil Status Ordinance
  • German Civil Code (BGB)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


If you got married abroad, you can apply to the registry office in your place of residence to have your marriage entered in the marriage register. The prerequisite for this is that you and your spouse have German citizenship, are entitled to asylum, are a foreign refugee or stateless.

A joint personal appointment is required. Please make an appointment.


The fees for the registration of a marriage entered into abroad are to be charged individually and are based on the Ordinance on Fees for Public Services in the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities (Fee Schedule of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities - GebOMIK).

Required documents

Identity card or passport

  • Marriage certificate
  • In the case of foreign documents, a translation by a state-recognised German translator is required. The original document and translation must be available. In some cases, the marriage certificate must also be provided with an apostille or first be legalised by the German embassy.
    We will be happy to advise you.
  • Civil status documents that are required when registering for marriage, please seek personal advice.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Traders pursuant to Section 34f (1) GewO are obliged to have themselves entered in the register pursuant to Section 11a (1) GewO immediately after commencing their activities via the authority responsible for granting the licence in accordance with the scope of the licence; the register authority must also be informed immediately of any changes to the information stored in the register.


  • 20,00 EUR
    for processing applications for initial entry in the register of intermediaries, checking and forwarding to the register authority (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
  • 15,00 EUR
    for the processing of change requests

Required documents

Legal bases (general)

§ 34f GewO
Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance (FinVermV)

Traders pursuant to Section 34f (1) GewO must notify the persons directly involved in counselling and brokerage within the meaning of Section 34f (4) GewO to the register authority (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) immediately after commencing their activities and have them entered in the register. The register authority must be informed immediately of any changes to the information stored in the register. (Fee charged by the register authority)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to set off fireworks or Class III and IV fireworks in the area of responsibility of the town of Eberswalde requires a licence from the local regulatory authority. Only applies to pyrotechnicians with a permit in accordance with § 27 or holders of a licence in accordance with § 20 SprengG.


10.00 - 102.00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

Written notification must be given 14 days in advance.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Any person who, within the scope of the exemption under section 2 (6) sentence 1 no. 8 of the German Banking Act

  1. Unit certificates of an investment company or investment stock corporation or of foreign investment units that may be publicly distributed within the scope of the Investment Act,
  2. Shares in closed-end funds in the form of a limited partnership,
  3. other asset investments within the meaning of Section 1 (2) of the Asset Investment Act

Investment advice within the meaning of Section 1 (1a) no. 1a of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz) or to broker the conclusion of contracts for the acquisition of such financial investments (financial investment broker) requires a licence.


eUR 695.00 for new licences (Section 34f (1) sentence 1 no. 1, 2 and 3 GewO; if the licence is limited to only two numbers or only one number, the fee is reduced by EUR 70.00 in each case)

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Clearance certificate from the municipal tax office
  4. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  6. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  7. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  8. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court
  9. Proof of professional indemnity insurance
  10. Proof of the required expertise

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34f
Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance (FinVermV)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The licence requirement applies to the commercial operation of an arcade or similar business, the commercial installation of gaming devices with the possibility of winning, and the commercial organisation of other games with the possibility of winning for which a clearance certificate has been issued by the BKA.


255.50 EUR to 2,046.00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
    For amusement arcades still:
  7. Copy of the rental or lease agreement
  8. Planning permission or approval under building regulations for change of use
  9. scaled floor plan drawing of the operating rooms

Upon application, a certificate of suitability for the installation site of the play equipment will also be issued after appropriate testing.


  • Restaurants 51,00 EUR
  • Arcade 76,50 EUR

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 33c/33d/33i Gaming Ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to commercially prepare or carry out construction projects as a construction supervisor in the name of a third party for the account of a third party requires a licence.


510,00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34c Para. 1 No. 3b
Real estate agent and property developer ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to prepare or carry out construction projects commercially as a builder in their own name for their own account or for the account of a third party and to use the assets of purchasers, tenants, leaseholders or other authorised users or applicants for purchase or usage rights for this purpose requires a permit.


510,00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34c Para. 1 No. 3a
Real estate agent and property developer ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to guard the lives or property of third parties on a commercial basis requires a licence.


eUR 128.00 to EUR 1,279.00

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  6. in the case of legal entities, also an extract from the commercial or association register or a copy of the articles of association or memorandum and articles of association
  7. Proof of insurance
  8. Proof of the funds required for operation
  9. Proof of training from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the security industry

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34a Guarding Ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to broker the conclusion of loan agreements on a commercial basis or provide evidence of the opportunity to conclude such agreements requires a licence.


510,00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34c Para. 1 No. 2
Real estate agent and property developer ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to broker the conclusion of contracts for land, land rights, commercial premises or residential premises on a commercial basis or to provide evidence of the opportunity to conclude such contracts requires a licence.


510,00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal bases (general)

Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34c Para. 1 No. 1
Real estate agent and property developer ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to operate as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker's agent requires a licence.


102.50 EUR to 921.00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  6. in the case of legal entities, also an extract from the commercial or association register or a copy of the articles of association or memorandum and articles of association
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court
  8. Proof of insurance
  9. Proof of the funds required for operation
  10. Copy of the rental or lease agreement
  11. scaled floor plan drawing of the operating rooms

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 34 Pawnbroker Ordinance

Pawnbroking, pawnbroking industry

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to commercially auction off third-party movable property, third-party land or third-party rights requires a licence.


eUR 200.00 to EUR 1,500.00

Required documents

  1. Application for a licence
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  6. for legal entities: Extract from the commercial or co-operative register
  7. Extract from the debtor register of the competent local court

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO) § 34b Auctioneers Ordinance

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Section 8 of the Brandenburg Dog Owners Ordinance specifies which dogs are considered dangerous. Anyone wishing to train, train or keep a dangerous dog, with the exception of dogs as defined in § 8 Para. 2, requires a licence from the local regulatory authority. The licence (together with a red sticker for the dog) will be issued if the relevant documents are presented.

For this purpose, the necessary expertise to keep and lead such a dog must be proven. Proof must be provided to the local regulatory authority on the basis of an examination of expertise by an expert. In addition, the required reliability for keeping and driving dogs must be proven. This is done by submitting a certificate of good conduct in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Central Register Act and proof that the dog has been identified with a microchip.

The keeping of dogs according to § 8 para. 2 of the HundehV Bbg (American Pitbull Terrier, Bullterrier, Staffordshire Bullterrier and Tosa Inu) has been prohibited in the state of Brandenburg since 1 October 2004, unless a permit has been obtained.

However, in the case of dangerous dogs within the meaning of § 8 Para. 3, the owner can prove that the dog does not have an increased willingness to fight, aggressiveness, sharpness or other characteristics comparable in their effect on humans and animals. The corresponding negative certificate for the dog is issued by an expert and must be submitted to the public order office.

Furthermore, all dogs with a height at the withers of at least 40 centimetres or a weight of at least 20 kilograms must be reported immediately by the dog owner to the local regulatory authority. Proof of reliability for keeping and driving dogs as well as proof of the dog's identification with a microchip must also be provided here.

Attention dog owners!

Anyone carrying dogs on roads or in parks must ensure that the dogs do not damage or contaminate them. Fouling (dog faeces) must be removed immediately. Suitable materials (e.g. bags) must be carried to pick up the dog faeces.


  • 25,00 € - 125,00 € Negative report
  • 50,00 € - 500,00 € Permit

Required documents

The relevant forms are available from the Public Order Office.

Legal bases (general)

Ordinance on the keeping and leading of dogs (dog owner ordinance Ordinance on the maintenance of public safety and order in the area of the city of Eberswalde (street regulations)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Class II fireworks are fireworks that may normally be set off on New Year's Eve by any person aged 18 or over. Throughout the rest of the year, it is generally not permitted to use or set off fireworks. If you wish to set off such fireworks on another occasion (event of special significance, e.g. wedding), you will require an exemption licence.


(minimum fee 30.86€ according to SprengKostVÄndV 3)

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the date and time of the fireworks display
  • Details of the location of the fireworks display (site plan, safety distances)
  • Information on the occasion of the fireworks display
  • Information on the number of fireworks

The application must be submitted at least 14 days before the fireworks display (statutory deadline).

Legal bases (general)

First Ordinance to the Explosives Act (1.SprengV)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to organise a folk festival, weekly market, special market or funfair must have the subject, time, opening hours and location of the event specified if they wish to make use of the so-called market privileges (for example, vendors are not subject to the provisions of Title III of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act on itinerant trade).


56,00 EUR

Required documents

  1. Application for determination
  2. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  3. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  4. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. List of the expected number and composition of exhibitors or suppliers and the type of goods to be offered
  6. Conditions of participation
  7. Site plan

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 69

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Wer ein Volksfest, einen Wochenmarkt, einen Spezialmarkt oder Jahrmarkt veranstalten will, muss die Veranstaltung nach Gegenstand, Zeit, Öffnungszeiten und Platz festsetzen lassen, sofern er von den so genannten Marktprivilegien Gebrauch machen will (so unterliegen Anbieter beim Vertrieb von Waren nicht den Bestimmungen des Titels III der Gewerbeordnung über das Reisegewerbe).


56,00 EUR

Benötigte Unterlagen

  1. Antrag auf Festsetzung
  2. Bescheinigung in Steuersachen des zuständigen Finanzamtes
  3. Führungszeugnis (Belegart O) zu beantragen bei der Einwohnermeldebehörde
  4. Auskunft aus dem Gewerbezentralregister (Belegart 9) zu beantragen bei der Einwohnermeldebehörde
  5. Verzeichnis über die voraussichtliche Zahl und Zusammensetzung der Aussteller oder Anbieter sowie die Art der anzubietenden Waren
  6. Teilnahmebedingungen
  7. Lageplan

Rechtsgrundlagen (Allgemein)

  • Gewerbeordnung (GewO) § 69

Zuständige Organisationseinheit(en)



Class II fireworks are fireworks that may normally be set off on New Year's Eve by any person aged 18 or over. Throughout the rest of the year, it is generally not permitted to use or set off fireworks. If you wish to set off such fireworks on another occasion (event of special significance, e.g. wedding), you will require an exemption licence.


(minimum fee 30.86€ according to SprengKostVÄndV 3)

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the date and time of the fireworks display
  • Details of the location of the fireworks display (site plan, safety distances)
  • Information on the occasion of the fireworks display
  • Information on the number of fireworks

The application must be submitted at least 14 days before the fireworks display (statutory deadline).

Legal bases (general)

First Ordinance to the Explosives Act (1.SprengV)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Anyone wishing to set off fireworks or Class III and IV fireworks in the area of responsibility of the town of Eberswalde requires a licence from the local regulatory authority. Only applies to pyrotechnicians with a permit in accordance with § 27 or holders of a licence in accordance with § 20 SprengG.


10.00 - 102.00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

Written notification must be given 14 days in advance.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Support for pupils who attend the second to sixth grade of a special school, primary school or secondary school with an integrated primary school section or the performance and gifted classes of a grammar school, have their main place of residence in the city of Eberswalde and whose children receive benefits to secure their livelihood in accordance with the provisions of SGB II, SGB XII or the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act on 1 August of a given year. The grant can be used to purchase school materials from the City of Eberswalde in the period from 1 August to 31 October. The funding can be subsidised up to a maximum of EUR 25.00 per pupil and school year.

Required documents

  • a differentiated list of the materials procured in the form of an invoice and/or receipt (e.g. till receipt)
  • Notification from the school about the child's school attendance
  • a copy of the notification of the granting of benefits to ensure subsistence (the period of authorisation must include the cut-off date of 1 August of the year) in accordance with the provisions of SGB II, SGB XII or the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal basis (local law)

  • Guideline of the City of Eberswalde for funding the provision of school materials for pupils in second to sixth grade

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Child and youth work in the city of Eberswalde is aimed at participation and emancipation. Alongside the family and the institutions of daycare and school, it represents an independent area of socialisation. Children and young people should be encouraged in their development and supported in realising their interests, as well as being given stimulating spaces in which to live and develop. In Eberswalde, children and young people are given the opportunity to actively and creatively engage with their own skills and potential, to develop these and to realise and live out their interests.

In particular, youth coordination involves observing the living environments of children and young people, young adults and families as well as initiating and supporting needs-based measures and services for the target group, always in cooperation with many stakeholders in children and youth work in Eberswalde, i.e. with associations, organisations and initiatives as well as with schools.

Youth Coordination

.. informed about

.. advises to

.. promotes

Measures for open child and youth work organised by associations, children's and youth groups and initiatives in the city of Eberswalde and

.. organised Child and youth participation projects within the framework of the city of Eberswalde's play programme.

Youth Coordinator Josefine Atlas is the contact person for all matters relating to providing young people with the programmes they need to promote their development. She does this in both the leisure and education sectors. Mrs Atlas can be contacted by telephone (03334 - 64 407) or by e-mail the office of the youth coordinator is located in the town hall, room 311.


The application is free of charge.

Required documents

Application in accordance with the directive:

  • current version of the association/foundation statutes
  • Proof of non-profit status
  • Extract from the register of associations
  • binding financing plan

Application for a grant for the municipal promotion of child and youth work in the city of Eberswalde

Where-used list for municipal funding of child and youth work in the city of Eberswalde

Legal basis (local law)

  • Guidelines for municipal funding of child and youth work in the city of Eberswalde

Adolescents, boys, kids, child and youth work, girls, social workers

The competent authority can exempt the authorised person from the occupancy obligations for subsidised flats. The procedure can be initiated upon application or ex officio. An exemption can only relate to the income limit, flat size, reservations in favour of certain households and owner-occupancy approval, vacancy approval and approval for misappropriation. The circumstances relevant to the exemption must be recorded. An exemption may only be granted if the person authorised to dispose of the property pays compensation in an appropriate manner.


from 25,- €

Required documents

  • informal application

Legal bases (general)

  • Housing Promotion Act (WoFG)
  • Housing Binding Act (WoBindG)
  • Brandenburg Occupancy Binding Act (BelBindG)
  • Ordinance on the levying of administrative fees in the housing sector

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Mr Klatt
Phone: 03334/64-153

House address:

Cemetery road 9
16225 Eberswalde

Telephone: 03334/64-686 (forest cemetery)
Fax: 03334/64-687

Consultation hours:

Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00


Management of the cemeteries in use and operated by the city:

  • Eberswalde Forest Cemetery
  • Kupferhammer cemetery
  • Biesenthaler Straße cemetery
  • Brassworks cemetery
  • Spechthausen cemetery

Contact for all questions relating to rights of use, the sale or subsequent purchase of burial plots, declarations of renunciation, searches for deceased persons and all other questions relating to the cemetery, as well as the preparation of invoices for cemetery fees:

Responsible organisational unit(s):

Contact person

Mr Jan Weber | Ms Isabell Rank
E-mail: |
Telephone: 03334/64-685 | 64-686
Fax: 03334/64-687

Documents: PDF

Forms: PDF

Application for extension of the right of use (PDF)
Application for cancellation of the right of use (PDF)
Registration/ Order for burials (PDF)
Authorisation to erect a gravestone and grave border (PDF)

Further information can be found here.

Have you lost or found something? Lost property handed in is registered and stored in the lost property office of the city of Eberswalde.

Within six months, the lost property can be collected by the loser after he/she has been able to prove ownership of the lost property. After the six-month period, the lost property will be handed over to the finder or auctioned in favour of the City of Eberswalde.

Outside the opening hours of the Citizens' Office, to which the lost property office is attached, citizens have the opportunity to check whether lost items have been handed in to the lost property office or to report lost property directly to the lost property office.

Online lost property office:


  • You can call the 116116 blocking hotline to have lost documents (e.g. ID cards, EC or credit cards) blocked immediately to prevent misuse.

Required documents

  • none

Legal bases (general)

  • § 965 ff BGB
  • Ordinance on fees for official acts in the portfolio of the Minister of the Interior

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Found animals are animals that have escaped from their owner. These animals are kept at the animal shelter so that they can be returned to their owner.

Citizens who notice the above-mentioned animals should contact the public order office.

Required documents

Legal bases (general)

Regulatory Authorities Act (OBG), Civil Code (BGB)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Jede Person, die das 14.Lebensjahr vollendet hat und mit Haupt- bzw. Nebenwohnsitz in Eberswalde gemeldet ist, kann einen Antrag auf Erteilung eines Führungszeugnisses für private Zwecke oder zur Vorlage bei einer Behörde im Bürgeramt Eberswalde stellen.

Für die Beantragung eines Führungszeugnisses nutzen Sie bitte die Online-Terminvergabe.

Wenn Sie die online-Funktion Ihres Personalausweises nutzen, können Sie das Führungszeugnis ebenfalls über die Website des Bundesamtes für Justiz beantragen.

  • renting and leasing of garages owned by the City of Eberswalde and of land owned by the City of Eberswalde on which garages owned by citizens and residents have been built;
  • renting and leasing of recreational land belonging to the city of Eberswalde and gardens with the exception of gardens as defined by the Federal Allotment Garden Act

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Forms of occasional transport are transport with taxis, hire cars, excursions and holiday destination trips. Anyone wishing to provide occasional transport requires authorisation. According to the Passenger Transport Act, this authorisation may only be granted for a limited period of time.


in accordance with the Ordinance on Costs for Official Acts in the Paid or Commercial Transport of Passengers by Motor Vehicle

Required documents

  1. Application for authorisation for occasional services in accordance with the Passenger Transport Act
  2. Details of the vehicles used (number, type, licence plate number, manufacturer, owner, number of seats, vehicle identification number)
  3. Information on the applicant's ability to pay, which provides information on the current asset status
  4. Certificate of tax reliability from the tax office and the municipality where the company is based
  5. Clearance certificate from the competent authorities confirming proper payment of contributions to social health and pension insurance and unemployment insurance
  6. Clearance certificate from the employers' liability insurance association confirming proper payment of accident insurance contributions (including any advances to be paid)
  7. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  8. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  9. in the case of legal entities, information from the central trade register for the legal entity and each legal representative
  10. Information from the central traffic register
  11. Proof of professional aptitude (certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in accordance with the Professional Access Ordinance for Road Passenger Transport)
  12. Driving licence for passenger transport for the form of occasional transport applied for
  13. in the case of legal entities, also an extract from the commercial register or a copy of the articles of association

Legal bases (general)

Passenger Transport Act (PBefG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Beneficiaries have the right to exercise their right of choice outside their own place of residence, i.e. to have their child cared for in a daycare centre in another municipality. The opinion of the municipality of residence must be obtained in writing in advance before the right of choice can be exercised.


The municipality of residence grants the host municipality an appropriate cost compensation. The application is free of charge.

Required documents

  • The statement of the municipality of residence on the utilisation of the right of choice (notice of assumption of costs).
  • Assessment notice on the legal entitlement to child daycare from the youth welfare office of the district of Barnim
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal basis (local law)

  • Statutes of the city of Eberswalde for the use of day-care centres run by the city (link missing)

Legal bases (general)

  • Daycare Centre Act of the State of Brandenburg (KitaG)
  • German Civil Code (BGB)
  • Social Code SGB VIII

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


In accordance with § 14 Para. 1 of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act, every citizen must register, re-register or deregister a trade at the same time as starting a commercial activity, changing the business address, changing/expanding the activity or giving up the commercial activity. The receipt of the business registration, re-registration or deregistration will be certified within three days, provided that the notification has been completed in full and there are no legal objections to the certification.


Business registration:

  • natural person 30,00 EUR
  • legal entity with one legal representative EUR 55.00
  • eUR 15.00 for each additional legal representative

Business deregistration:

  • natural persons and legal entities EUR 25.00

Business deregistration: 10,00 EUR

Required documents

Identity card or passport with current registration certificate for registration and re-registration Identity card or passport for deregistration

for foreigners: Residence permit that includes "Gainful employment permitted"

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 14 para. 1

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

The Commercial Central Register is a section of the Federal Central Register. An extract can be issued as document type 1 for private individuals or document type 9 for authorities and serves as a kind of commercial certificate of good conduct. Any trader whose main or secondary residence is registered in Eberswalde can submit an application to the Eberswalde Citizens' Office. It is not possible for another person to submit an application.

  • Document type "1": Information to the person concerned.
    • This extract from the central trade register will be sent directly to your home.
  • Document type "9": Information to an authority.
    • This extract from the central trade register will be sent directly to the official address you have provided. When applying, you must state the complete address of the authorities and the file number or the purpose of use.


14,- €

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport

You are welcome to submit the extract from the central trade register online request.

Legal bases (general)

  • Federal Central Criminal Register Act (BZRG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

When constructing new buildings on public and private roads, house numbers are assigned on application. The house number must be applied for before planning permission is granted. The application for a house number should be sent to the Eberswalde City Council, Urban Development Office, Breite Straße 39, 16225 Eberswalde or by e-mail to

A site plan of the property showing the surrounding properties and their house numbers must be submitted with the application.

Contact person

Mrs Franziska Fiebig
Phone: 03334/64-618


The house number is determined by the urban development office in accordance with Section 126 (3) of the Building Code and is currently free of charge.

Required documents

  • Site plan of the property
  • completed application for the fixing of a house number

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Dog tax is levied on the keeping of dogs by natural persons in the town of Eberswalde. After acquiring a dog, it must be registered within 14 days.
Anyone who has a dog in their household (dog owner) is liable to pay tax.


Registration for the dog tax is free of charge.

Required documents

  • Identity card
  • Vaccination card of the dog
  • Proof of the origin of the dog (purchase or gift contract)
  • Dog deregistration from the other municipality when moving in
  • Tax assessment notice on deregistration
  • veterinary certificate, if applicable (only in the event of the dog's death)

    Exemption from dog tax
  • Severely disabled person's pass with the "B", "BL", "aG" or "H" mark
  • Rescue dogs that have passed the test and are permanently used to support security and rescue forces

    Application for reduction:
  • Proof of the living conditions specified in § 6 of the dog tax statutes

Forms | Downloads

Form: Dog tax registration and deregistration

We provide you with the form as a "pdf file", it is optimally readable with the
Adobe Reader, which is available free of charge from Adobe to download is ready.

Legal basis (local law)

  • § 3 (1) Fiscal Code
  • § Section 5 of the Municipal Law Reform Act for the State of Brandenburg (KommRRefG)
  • § Section 3 of the Municipal Tax Act for the State of Brandenburg (KAG Bbg)
  • Dog tax statutes of the city of Eberswalde

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Mrs Vivian Schulz
Phone: 03334/64-221

There is a claim for reimbursement for damage caused by game if it has occurred on land on which hunting is permitted. As a rule, these are areas outside residential areas. The damage must be reported to the local regulatory authority within one week of the authorised party becoming aware of the damage.


Costs of the preliminary proceedings (if applicable, remuneration of the valuer, expenses of the declaratory authority)

Required documents

informal written notification by the property owner, stating the telephone number, fax or e-mail address. Information on the location of the property (district, parcel, plot)
Information on the occurrence of damage, approximate size and type of damage.

Legal bases (general)

46 Hunting Act for the State of Brandenburg (BbgJagdG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Supervision of the interim lease agreements between the city of Eberswalde and the Bezirksverband der Kleingärtner Eberswalde und Umgebung e. V. regarding the allotment garden sites located in the city of Eberswalde

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Care and maintenance of war and honour graves, the Jewish cemeteries and the Russian garrison cemetery. Collaboration in the search for graves of people missing as a result of the war.

Required documents

Name, all other details and data (if available)

Legal bases (general)

Law on the preservation of the graves of victims of war and tyranny

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Burning and setting fire to materials outdoors is prohibited if this could endanger or cause a nuisance to the neighbourhood or the general public. Exceptions to this may be granted on application, e.g. for the lighting and burning of traditional, customary or bonfires.


An exemption licence is not required if the following conditions are met for fireplaces on privately used land:

  • The fireplace is only used occasionally.
  • Only natural, lumpy wood including adhering bark, e.g. in the form of logs, branches and brushwood, is used as fuel.
  • The fuel is air-dry.
  • The size of the fire pile must not exceed the following dimensions (diameter 1 m, height 1 m).
  • Wood fires must not be lit during prolonged dry spells and/or strong winds.
  • Campfires may not be lit from forest fire level III.
  • The fire is monitored by a reliable supervisor until the embers are completely extinguished. It must be ensured that the fire can be extinguished immediately in the event of heavy smoke development.
  • A sufficient distance must be maintained between the fireplace and the nearest building intended for human habitation.
  • The distance between a fire and the forest must be at least 50 metres, and at least 30 metres for owner-occupied properties close to the forest. From forest fire warning level III and IV, burning is also prohibited on these properties.

The burning of other waste from households and gardens, in particular moist plant waste in the open air, is prohibited in accordance with Section 4 (1) of the Waste Compost and Incineration Ordinance.


10.00 - 77.00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of occasion/reason/venue of the fire, person responsible
  • Location of the fire (sketch), date, time (from-to)
  • Details of the owner of the property
  • Information on the distances to buildings, trees, wooded areas, agricultural land, etc. Areas
  • Information on fuel and size of the fireplace

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event. The forest fire warning level applicable at the time of burning must be enquired about independently.

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

  • 32.1 - General safety and order

Contact us


Devices used to produce or reproduce sound or sound signals (sound devices), in particular loudspeakers, sound reproduction devices, musical instruments, bangers and similar devices, may only be used at such a volume that uninvolved persons are not significantly disturbed. On application, an exception may be authorised in individual cases where there is a public or overriding special private interest.


10,00 € - 102,00 € according to GebOMLUV

Required documents

  • informal written application
  • Details of the reason for the event, event location, event period

Please submit this application to the public order office no later than 14 days before the event.

  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal bases (general)

State Immission Control Act (LImschG) in the version currently in force

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


In certain matters, authorities, institutions or other bodies require the presentation of a registration certificate.

This is issued at the request of the data subject with the following data:

Simple registration certificate:

  1. Family name,
  2. former names,
  3. First names with labelling of the common first name,
  4. Doctoral degree,
  5. Religious name, stage name,
  6. Date and place of birth and, if born abroad, the country of birth,
  7. current addresses, labelled according to main and secondary residence.
  8. On request, an extended registration certificate can be issued, which may contain information in addition to the above data.

The extended registration certificate contains further information such as marital status, nationality and religion.


5.00 € per registration certificate (simple or extended)
14.00 € per registration certificate (archive information)

For certain official purposes, the registration certificate can be issued free of charge. However, proof must be provided in the form of a letter from the requesting authority.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • power of attorney registration certificate, if applicable

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • § Section 18 of the Federal Registration Act (BMG)
  • Ordinance on fees for public services in the portfolio of the Minister of the Interior and Local Government - Tariff item 2.2

Responsible organisational unit(s)

  • 15.1 - Passport and registration
  • 15 - Citizens' office

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

If persons are wanted, non-public bodies and persons can submit an application for information from the population register. The person sought must be registered or have been registered in Eberswalde. Information can only be provided upon personal or written request. Information cannot be provided by telephone. Information from the register of residents cannot be provided if the person concerned cannot be clearly identified or if an information block has been set up for them.

If the data is used for commercial purposes, this must be stated.

In addition, information from the population register can only be provided if the person requesting the information declares that the data will not be used for the purpose of advertising or address trading, unless the person concerned has consented to the transfer for this purpose.

A distinction is made between information from the population register:

  • simple information from the population register
  • extended civil register information
  • Registration register information with increased search effort

In the case of simple information from the register of residents, this information may be provided:
1. Family name
2. First names
3. Doctoral degree
4. current addresses

Additional information may be provided in the case of extended information from the population register:
5. former names
6. Date and place of birth and, if born abroad, also the country of birth
7. Marital status, limited to whether married or in a civil partnership or not
8. current nationalities
9. former addresses
10. Move-in date and move-out date
11. Surname and first names and address of the legal representative
12. Surname and first names and address of the spouse or partner
13. Date and place of death and, in the case of death abroad, the country of death

The person requesting the information must substantiate their legitimate interest when applying for extended information from the register of residents.

Registration register information with increased search effort:

The person you are looking for is not stored in the electronic register of residents because he or she lived in Eberswalde before it was introduced. (Archive information)


  • simple information from the population register € 10.00
  • extended registration information € 12.00
  • Registration register information with increased search effort 13.00 - 20.00 €

Required documents

  • an oral (in person) or informal application
  • Substantiation of the legitimate interest in the case of extended information from the population register

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • § 44 / § 45 ff. Federal Registration Act (BMG)
  • Ordinance on fees for public services in the portfolio of the Minister of the Interior and Local Government - Tariff item 2.1

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Der vorliegende  Mietspiegel ist seit dem 21.12.2016 für das Stadtgebiet Eberswalde gültig und wurde im Amtsblatt für die Stadt Eberswalde, Jahrgang 24, Nr. 12 vom 21.12.2016 veröffentlicht.

IX. Mietspiegel
Anlage Mietspiegeltabelle
Anlage Merkmalkatalog

The city of Eberswalde presents its sports facilities

  1. the primary schools run by the city of Eberswalde,
  2. the schools run by the district of Barnim and independent schools,
  3. the university of applied sciences,
  4. non-profit sports clubs and sports associations for training and competition purposes,
  5. youth-caring or youth-promoting organisations
  6. non-club sportsmen and women, and
  7. the day care centres


Application deadlines:

  • regular use - by 30 June of each year for the following school year
  • Individual events - 2 weeks before the event

Sports facilities run by the city of Eberswalde:

  • Sports halls: Heidewald, Schwärzesee and Finow
  • Gymnasiums: Finow primary school and "Bruno H. Bürgel" primary school
  • Sports grounds: Fritz Lesch Stadium with bowling alley, Westend Stadium, Finow Forest Sports Centre


Charging of fees in accordance with the current fee regulations for the use of the sports facilities of the city of Eberswalde

Required documents

  • Application form according to the statutes on the use of sports facilities of the city of Eberswalde
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal basis (local law)

  • Fee regulations for the use of the sports facilities of the city of Eberswalde
  • Statutes on the use of sports facilities in the city of Eberswalde

Legal bases (general)

  • Law on the Promotion of Sport in the State of Brandenburg (SportFGBbg)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


As the reasons for homelessness are usually complex, individual counselling is necessary for those affected. For this reason, it is recommended that you contact the case officer in good time.

Required documents

Legal bases (general)

Regulatory Authorities Act (OBG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Every German citizen is required to have an identity card from the age of 16. Holders of a valid passport are exempt from this requirement.

The identity card can also be issued to persons who are not yet 16 years old. In these cases, the application must be made in the presence of one or both parents or legal guardians and the child. If the application is made by only one parent or guardian, the declaration of consent of the parent or guardian who is not present must be submitted or credible proof of sole custody must be provided (e.g. by means of a custody order or divorce decree). Minors can apply for an ID card independently from the age of 16 without the consent of their parents/guardians.

The ID card is valid for 10 years. By way of derogation, it is issued with a validity period of 6 years for persons who have not yet reached the age of 24.

Since 1 August 2021, fingerprints have been recorded when applying for ID cards, which are stored together with the personal data and the biometric photo on the chip in the ID card.

The delivery time for an ID card produced by Bundesdruckerei is usually approx. 2 weeks. It may be longer in individual cases or at certain times (e.g. holiday periods). The City of Eberswalde has no influence on the delivery time.

You can check the status of your order here online.

If the existing ID card has expired or been lost, a temporary ID card can be issued by the local citizens' office. This has a maximum validity period of 3 months. Each person may only be in possession of one identity card. The old ID card must be presented when receiving a new one.

The loss and recovery of an identity card must be reported to the Citizens' Office immediately.


22.80 € Identity card up to the age of 24
37.00 € Identity card from the age of 24
10,00 € temporary identity card


In justified cases, the identity card authority (Bürgeramt) can exempt persons from the identity card requirement. Exemption from the ID card requirement can only be confirmed by a doctor.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport (birth certificate or family register if applying for the first time or if lost)
  • current biometric photo (not older than 6 months)
  • corresponding certificate in the event of a name change
  • naturalisation certificate, if applicable
  • in the case of an application for persons under the age of 16, a declaration of consent from the parent/custodian who is not present or proof of credible sole custody (e.g. custody order or divorce decree)

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • Law on identity cards and electronic proof of identity

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

The aim is to enable pupils to access and participate in a wide range of high-quality school and extracurricular programmes at their school.


The application is free of charge.

Required documents

  • Application for a grant from the budget of the city of Eberswalde for project funding of schools
  • binding financing plan
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal basis (local law)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


A written application is required to connect a new property to the municipal rainwater drainage network. The application must contain information on the location of the property, the use of the property, the size of the area to be drained and the owner. If the connection is made by the city's civil engineering department, the construction costs incurred must be paid.


No fees are charged for the application. For the discharge of rainwater into the municipal rainwater network, the applicable fees are charged in accordance with the relevant statutes.

Required documents

  • Site plan of the property
  • Application form for connection to the municipal rainwater network
  • Information on the size of the area to be drained

You can obtain the application form and survey form to determine the size of the area to be drained from the Civil Engineering Office.

Legal basis (local law)

  • Drainage regulations of the city of Eberswalde

Legal bases (general)

  • Municipal Tax Act of the State of Brandenburg
  • Water Act of the State of Brandenburg

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Carrying out maintenance and new construction measures on the rainwater network via regular maintenance, care, control, planning, construction, construction control and billing of measures, preparation of fee notices

Legal basis (local law)

  • Drainage regulations of the city of Eberswalde

Legal bases (general)

  • Municipal Tax Act of the State of Brandenburg

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Any person who, without prior appointment and outside his commercial establishment or without having such an establishment

  1. Offers goods for sale or solicits or purchases orders, offers services or solicits orders for services or
  2. performs entertaining activities as a showman or in the manner of a showman operates a travelling trade and requires a travelling trade licence.


eUR 45.00 to EUR 566.00

Required documents

  1. Application for a travelling trade licence
  2. two photographs
  3. Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  4. Certificate of good conduct (document type O) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  5. Information from the central trade register (document type 9) to be applied for at the residents' registration office
  6. for foreigners: Residence permit that includes "Gainful employment permitted"

Legal bases (general)

  • Trade Regulation Act (GewO) § 55

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


German citizens require a passport to enter certain countries. Each destination country determines which travel documents are recognised by it.

The application for the document can only be made in person. You can be represented by an authorised person when collecting the document. Existing passports, including expired passports, must be presented.

Children require their own document. For minors, the application must be made in the presence of one or both parents or legal guardians and the child. If the application is made by only one parent or legal guardian, the declaration of consent of the parent or legal guardian who is not present must be submitted or credible proof of sole custody must be provided (e.g. by means of a custody order or divorce decree).

For persons under the age of 24, the passport is valid for 6 years; after the age of 24, the passport is issued with a validity of 10 years.

Since 1 November 2007, fingerprints have been recorded when applying for a passport, which are stored together with the personal data and the biometric photograph on the chip in the passport.

The delivery time for a passport produced by Bundesdruckerei is usually around 4 weeks. It may be longer in individual cases or at certain times (e.g. holiday periods). The City of Eberswalde has no influence on the delivery time.

If the passport is required earlier, an express passport can be applied for. An additional fee of €32.00 is charged for the express passport procedure. The special feature lies exclusively in the shorter delivery time offered by Bundesdruckerei. Apart from the faster delivery, an express passport is a normal passport.

The temporary passport is only issued by the local citizens' office in special individual cases. If the passport or express passport cannot be issued in good time before the start of the journey, a temporary passport must be issued. Suitable supporting documents (e.g. travel documents or flight tickets) must be presented. The temporary passport is valid for one year and cannot be extended.

Attention: It is not possible to enter all countries with a temporary passport. Please check with the Federal Foreign Office in advance.

The loss and recovery of a lost passport, temporary passport or children's passport must be reported to the Citizens' Registration Office immediately.


Passport up to the age of 24 (valid for 6 years)

  • Passport with 32 pages 37,50 €
  • Passport with 48 pages 59,50 €
  • Express passport with 32 pages € 69.50
  • Express passport with 48 pages € 91.50

Passport from the age of 24 (valid for 10 years)

  • Passport with 32 pages 70,00 €
  • Passport with 48 pages 92,00 €
  • Express passport with 32 pages € 102.00
  • Express passport with 48 pages € 124.00

Temporary passport

  • 26,00 €

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport (birth certificate or family register if applying for the first time or if lost)
  • current biometric photo (not older than 6 months)
  • in the case of an application for persons under the age of 16, a declaration of consent from the parent/custodian who is not present or proof of credible evidence of sole custody (e.g. custody order or divorce decree)

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • Passport Act (PassG)
  • Passport Fee Ordinance (PassGebV)
  • General administrative regulations for the implementation of the Passport Act (PassVwV)
  • Ordinance on the Implementation of the Passport Act (DVPassG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

Processing of asset allocation, restitution and equalisation proceedings in accordance with the Municipal Property Act, the Property Allocation Act and the Act on the Settlement of Unresolved Property Issues relating to municipal properties

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Mrs Julia Schmidt
Phone: 03334/64-236

The arbitration centre in Eberswalde offers out-of-court dispute resolution. An agreement reached before an arbitrator is binding. Civil disputes (e.g. in the neighbourhood) or criminal cases (e.g. insults, trespassing, damage to property, etc.) can be negotiated. The two voluntary mediators in Eberswalde act as neutral mediators to find acceptable solutions for both parties.

If a party to the dispute has submitted an application to the competent conciliator, both parties are invited to a conciliation hearing. Negotiations take place in a non-public meeting.

The Legal Department of the City of Eberswalde can provide information on the possibilities of arbitration proceedings.

Arbitrator Christel Buchheim is responsible for the districts of Finow and Brandenburgisches Viertel (postcode 16227). Arbitrator Axel Irrling is responsible for the districts of Eberswalde I and II, Tornow, Sommerfelde and Spechthausen (postcode 16225). Both arbitrators deputise for each other when necessary.

The mediators offer their consultation hours at Eberswalde Town Hall, room 102. For the districts of Finow and Brandenburgisches Viertel, this is on the first Tuesday of every month from 4.30 pm to 6 pm. Consultation hours for the districts of Eberswalde I and II, Tornow, Sommerfelde and Spechthausen are on the third Tuesday of each month, also between 4.30 and 6 pm.


15.00 € to 40.00 € (negotiation fee including expenses)

Required documents

Only an identity card is required for the application; the documents to be brought along for the arbitration proceedings are specified by the arbitrator.

Legal bases (general)

Brandenburg Arbitration Act and the Arbitration Act of the State of Brandenburg

Arbitration, mediation, dispute

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The city of Eberswalde has defined a school district for each primary school by statute, for which it is responsible. Pupils attend the school responsible for their home or usual place of residence. Parents with children of compulsory school age are invited to enrol in the official gazette for the city of Eberswalde (Eberswalder Monatsblatt) in January. Parents who wish to enrol their children early must submit an informal application to the responsible school management by the enrolment date. The registration dates are announced publicly and are displayed in the day care centres of the city of Eberswalde. Enrolment takes place at the secretary's office of the relevant primary school.


The application is free of charge.

Required documents

Legal basis (local law)

Legal bases (general)

  • Brandenburg School Act (BbgSchulG) §§ 50 ff.
  • Administrative regulations on the admission of pupils to primary school (VVSAufn)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


  • renting and leasing of garages owned by the City of Eberswalde and of land owned by the City of Eberswalde on which garages owned by citizens and residents have been built;
  • renting and leasing of recreational land belonging to the city of Eberswalde and gardens with the exception of gardens as defined by the Federal Allotment Garden Act

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


Bernauer und Eberswalder Stadtpass


Mit dem Stadtpass soll für Bürgerinnen und Bürger mit Hauptwohnsitz in der Stadt Bernau bei Berlin oder der Stadt Eberswalde, die wirtschaftlich oder anderweitig auf Grund von körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen benachteiligt sind, die Möglichkeit der Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben in den beiden Städten verbessert werden.
Die Ausgabe des Stadtpasses erfolgt für Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die mit Hauptwohnsitz in der Stadt Eberswalde gemeldet sind, im Bürgeramt der Stadtverwaltung Eberswalde zu den jeweiligen Sprechzeiten.
Der „Bernauer und Eberswalder Stadtpass“ berechtigt zur Inanspruchnahme von Ermäßigungen in folgenden Einrichtungen und für folgende Veranstaltungen:

in Bernau bei Berlin

  • Kultur-, Sport- und andere Veranstaltungen, die von der Stadt oder durch von ihr geförderte Träger ausgerichtet werden
  • kulturelle städtische Einrichtungen (Museum, FRAKIMA, Stadtbibliothek)
  • 3 Schwimmbäder der Stadt (Plansche, Freibad Waldfrieden und Waldbad am Liepnitzsee)
  • Sportforum
  • Hussitenfest


in Eberswalde

  • Stadtbibliothek
  • Museum in der Adlerapotheke einschl. Stadtführungen
  • Zoo
  • Familiengarten
  • Veranstaltungen des Kulturamtes der Stadt Eberswalde
  • Baff

Die Gültigkeit beträgt ein Jahr und wird beim Bürgeramt um jeweils ein Jahr verlängert, wenn die sozialen Gegebenheiten noch zutreffen. Der Stadtpass ist nur in Verbindung mit dem jeweiligen Personalausweis oder Reisepass gültig.

Benötigte Unterlagen

  • gültiger Personalausweis bzw. Reisepass
  • Bescheid über Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende/Sozialgeld oder
  • Bescheid über die Grundsicherung im Alter und bei Erwerbsminderung oder
  • Bescheid über Leistungen nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz oder
  • Bescheid über Sozialhilfe oder
  • Bescheid über Wohngeldleistungen nach dem Wohngeldgesetz oder
  • Studentenausweis oder
  • Nachweis über die Ausbildungstätigkeit oder
  • Bescheid über Leistungen zum Lebensunterhalt nach dem Dritten Kapitel des SGB XII oder nach § 27a oder § 27d des Bundesversorgungsgesetzes oder
  • Nachweis über den Grad der Behinderung oder
  • Bescheid über Sonderfürsorge nach dem Bundesversorgungsgesetz oder
  • Nachweis über die alleinige Erziehung eines oder mehrerer Kinder nebst Kindergeldbescheid oder
  • Bescheid über Kinderzuschlag oder
  • Bescheid über Pflegeleistungen oder
  • Bescheid über Pflegezulagen oder
  • Bescheid über Erwerbsminderungsrente

Formulare | Downloads

 Sie können das Formular, zusammen mit den erforderlichen Unterlagen, postalisch an

Stadt Eberswalde
Breite Straße 41-44
16225 Eberswalde

oder per E-Mail an



  • Registration for marriage or civil partnership
  • Ordering certificates by fax
  • Birth registration; notarisation of newborns
  • Registration of a death; notarisation of deaths
  • Registration of a marriage entered into abroad and declaration of name use

Consultations to clarify which documents are required for marriage or partnership, in particular with regard to foreign law, can also be arranged without an appointment.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

The planned road demolition is registered with the responsible civil engineering office. The application to register the road demolition must be submitted in writing approximately 14 days before the construction work is carried out in the form of a form and a site plan. An on-site appointment to record the current condition of the paved public traffic areas will be arranged when the application is submitted.


The administrative fee is calculated according to the administrative fee statutes § 13 point 1.2 and amounts to 25.60 €/h.

Required documents

  • Order from the client
  • Application for a road demolition permit - you can obtain the form from the Civil Engineering Office
  • Site plan with marked location
  • Forms and applications in our form centre

Legal basis (local law)

Legal bases (general)

  • Brandenburg Road Act (BbgStrG) of 11 June 1992, last amended version of 1 January 2005

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The traffic authority is responsible for signposting on public roads. Authorisation for traffic authority orders and construction site safety on public roads is granted upon written application. In addition to the application, a site plan with the marked location, necessary barriers and diversions as well as a corresponding signage plan is required for the application.


  • Administrative fee according to the administrative fee statutes 12.80 €/h
  • Fee schedule for road traffic measures (GebOSt), framework fee € 10.20 - € 767.00
  • Special utilisation fee for public traffic areas used in accordance with the special utilisation fee statutes

Required documents

  • informal application
  • Site plan

Legal bases (general)

  • Brandenburg Road Act
  • Highway Code

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-652

  • mechanical lane cleaning
  • manual street cleaning / winter service
  • Charging of fees

Legal basis (local law)

  • Street cleaning regulations of the city of Eberswalde
    • 4. Statutes amending the street cleaning statutes of the city of Eberswalde (StrR EW)
  • Street cleaning fee statutes (statutes of the city of Eberswalde on the levying of fees for the cleaning of public streets)
    • 6. Statutes amending the statutes of the City of Eberswalde on the charging of fees for the cleaning of public roads (street cleaning fee statutes)

Legal bases (general)

Brandenburg Road Act

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person(s)

Mrs Doreen Pieper
Phone: 03334/64-677

Mr Oliver Stitz
Phone: 03334-64673

Online forms from the registry office

Request for registry office documents (link)

Required documents

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


In the case of purchase contracts in the urban area, the land registry may only enter the buyer as the owner in the land register if a certificate of non-exercise or non-existence of the municipality's pre-emptive right is presented. At the buyer's request, the municipality's statutory pre-emption right is checked and the certificate is issued in accordance with § 24 ff (BauGB).

Issue of certificates regarding the non-exercise or non-existence of the municipality's statutory right of first refusal (negative certificate)

Assertion and enforcement of municipal pre-emption rights in accordance with the provisions of the German Building Code for the city of Eberswalde

Contact person

Mrs Franziska Fiebig
Phone: 03334/64-618


The issue of the negative certificate is subject to a fee. The costs are borne by the buyer. The fee is currently €25.60.

Responsible organisational unit(s)

You can use transmission blocks to exclude the transmission of your data in the population register to certain institutions.

You can apply for the following transmission blocks:

  • Information to religious organisations under public law
  • Information to parties, voter groups and other organisers of election proposals
  • Information on age and marriage anniversaries
  • Information to directory publishers
  • Information to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management

The transfer blocks are only set up for one place of residence. If you want to exclude data transmission for all residences, you must apply to the relevant registration authorities for the transmission blocks.


Notice on the right to object to the transfer of data from the population register in accordance with Sections 36, 42 and 50 of the Federal Registration Act (BMG)

  1. Objection to the transfer of data to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management

Pursuant to Section 58b of the Soldiers Act, women and men who are German within the meaning of the Basic Law can undertake voluntary military service if they are fit to do so.

For the purpose of sending information material, the registration authorities transmit the following data on persons with German citizenship who will come of age in the coming year to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management by 31 March each year in accordance with Section 36 (1) BMG on the basis of Section 58c (1) of the Soldiers Act:

  1. Family name,
  2. First names,
  3. present address.

In the event of an objection, the data will not be transmitted in accordance with Section 36 (2) BMG. The objection is valid until it is revoked.

  1. Objection to the transfer of data to a religious organisation under public law

If members of a religious organisation under public law have family members (spouse or partner, underage children and parents of underage children) who do not belong to the same or any religious organisation under public law, the registration authority may transmit the following data on these family members in accordance with Section 42 (2) BMG:

  1. First names and surnames,
  2. Date and place of birth,
  3. Gender,
  4. Membership of a religious organisation under public law,
  5. current addresses and last previous address,
  6. Blocking of information according to § 51 BMG and conditional blocking notices according to § 52 BMG
  7. Date of death.

In the event of an objection, the data will not be transmitted in accordance with Section 42 (3) BMG; this does not apply if data is transmitted to the respective religious organisation under public law for the purposes of tax collection law. The objection is valid until it is revoked.

  1. Objection to the transmission of data to parties, voter groups and other organisers of election proposals in connection with elections and votes

Pursuant to Section 50 (1) BMG, the registration authority may provide parties, voter groups and other organisers of election proposals in connection with elections and votes at state and municipal level in the six months preceding the election or vote with information from the population register on the data specified in Section 44 (1) sentence 1 BMG on groups of eligible voters, insofar as their age is decisive for their composition. The dates of birth of eligible voters may not be disclosed. The person or body to whom the data is transmitted may only use it for advertising in an election or vote and must delete or destroy it no later than one month after the election or vote.

In the event of an objection, the data will not be transmitted in accordance with Section 50 (5) BMG. The objection is valid until it is revoked.

  1. Objection to the transmission of data on the occasion of age and marriage anniversaries to elected representatives, the press or radio / If elected representatives, the press or radio request information from the population register on age or marriage anniversaries of residents, the registration authority may, in accordance with Section 50 (2) BMG, provide information on
  1. Family name,
  2. First names,
  3. Doctoral degree,
  4. Address and
  5. Date and type of anniversary.

Age anniversaries are the 70th birthday, every fifth subsequent birthday and every subsequent birthday after the 100th birthday; marriage anniversaries are the 50th and every subsequent marriage anniversary. In the event of an objection, the data will not be transmitted in accordance with Section 50 (5). The objection is valid until it is revoked.

  1. Objection to the transfer of data to address book publishers

Pursuant to Section 50 (3) BMG, the registration authority may provide address book publishers with information on all residents who have reached the age of 18 about

  1. Family name,
  2. First names,
  3. Doctoral degree and
  4. current addresses.

The transmitted data may only be used for the publication of address books (address directories in book form). In the event of an objection, the data will not be transmitted in accordance with Section 50 (5) BMG. The objection is valid until it is cancelled.

The objection may be lodged in writing or for the record with the City of Eberswalde, Bürgeramt, Breite Straße 41-44, 16225 Eberswalde.

Required documents

informal letter of objection

Forms | Downloads

Legal bases (general)

  • §§ Sections 36, 42, 50 of the Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us

Phone: 03334/64-0

There is a claim for reimbursement for damage caused by game if it has occurred on land on which hunting is permitted. As a rule, these are areas outside residential areas. The damage must be reported to the local regulatory authority within one week of the authorised party becoming aware of the damage.


Costs of the preliminary proceedings (if applicable, remuneration of the valuer, expenses of the declaratory authority)

Required documents

informal written notification by the property owner, stating the telephone number, fax or e-mail address. Information on the location of the property (district, parcel, plot)
Information on the occurrence of damage, approximate size and type of damage.

Legal bases (general)

46 Hunting Act for the State of Brandenburg (BbgJagdG)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact us


The certificate of eligibility for housing serves as a prerequisite for obtaining publicly subsidised housing in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is issued on application to applicants whose total income does not exceed an income limit determined by the number of family members moving in with them. The residence entitlement certificate must be handed over to the landlord before the tenancy agreement is concluded and only permits the establishment of a main residence. The residence entitlement certificate issued by the Eberswalde city administration is recognised throughout the state of Brandenburg and is valid for one year from the date of issue.


15,00 €

Required documents

  • Proof of income of the applicant and any accompanying persons (e.g. wage, salary, pensions, ALG, ALG II, basic income support, alimony)
  • Application for the issue of a residence entitlement certificate
  • complete bank statements for the last three months
  • Attachment to the application for a residence entitlement certificate (assets)
  • proof of severe disability and need for care, if applicable


  • Application for the issue of a residence entitlement certificate
  • Attachment to the application for a residence entitlement certificate (assets)

Legal bases (general)

  • Housing Promotion Act (WoFG)
  • Housing Binding Act (WoBindG)
  • Ordinance on the levying of administrative fees in the housing sector

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Postal address
City of Eberswalde
Bürgeramt - Housing department
Breite Strasse 41-44
16225 Eberswalde

Mr Klatt
Phone: 03334/64-153

Housing benefit is a financial subsidy from the state towards housing costs and is intended to ensure that families and single citizens on low incomes can afford adequate housing.

There is a legal entitlement to housing benefit. It is only granted on application.

Housing benefit is

  • as a rent subsidy (for the tenant of a flat or room and legally equivalent persons, e.g. care home residents)
    o r
  • as an encumbrance allowance (for owners of their own home or a condominium as well as legally equivalent persons)

for owner-occupied residential property.

The eligibility or the amount of housing benefit granted depends on the

  • Number of household members to be taken into account
  • Amount of total income
  • Amount of the eligible rent or charge.

Applications should be submitted in good time, as housing benefit is only granted from the beginning of the month in which the application is received. The housing benefit office must be informed of any changes during the period in which housing benefit is granted (e.g. relocation, change in total income, rent, number of household members)!

Required documents

  • for rent subsidy:
  • Housing benefit application (rent subsidy)
  • Annex to the application for housing benefit (assets)
  • Appendix to the application for housing benefit (determination of the person entitled to housing benefit)
  • Rental agreement
  • Proof of all income of persons belonging to the household
  • complete bank statements for the last three months
  • severely disabled person's pass or assessment notice, if applicable
  • proof of need for care, if applicable

for load subsidy:

  • Housing benefit application (subsidy)
  • Annex to the application for housing benefit (assets)
  • Appendix to the application for housing benefit (determination of the person entitled to housing benefit)
  • Proof of ownership for the owner-occupied home or flat (extract from the land register, purchase contract, will or similar)
  • Proof of living space (form attachment to the application)
  • External funds certificate (proof of credit/form attachment to the application)
  • Property tax assessment
  • Proof of all income of persons belonging to the household
  • complete bank statements for the last three months
  • proof of homeowner's allowance, if applicable
  • severely disabled person's pass or assessment notice, if applicable
  • proof of need for care, if applicable

Revenues include:

Wage, salary, unemployment benefit I and II, pensions and supplementary pensions, widows'/widowers' and orphans' benefits, company pensions, basic income support, assistance in special circumstances/social benefit, military or civilian service pay, income from self-employment, maintenance payments, interest from capital assets (e.g. from savings), income from letting and leasing, benefits in kind

Proof of income-related expenses over € 1,230.00 must be provided

Forms | Downloads

It is not possible to submit an application by e-mail using these forms! Please print out the forms, complete them and submit them to your local housing benefit office.

We provide you with the forms as "pdf files", they are optimally readable with the
Adobe Reader, which is available free of charge from Adobe to download is ready.

Legal bases (general)

  • Housing Benefit Act

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Postal address
City of Eberswalde
Bürgeramt - Housing department
Breite Strasse 41-44
16225 Eberswalde

Mr Klatt
Phone: 03334/64-153

According to the second home tax statutes, anyone who has a second home in Eberswalde must submit a second home tax declaration.
A secondary residence is any dwelling that someone occupies in addition to their main residence for the purposes of their personal living needs or those of their family members, in particular for professional, recreational and educational purposes.
If a flat is occupied as a second home by more than one person, they are jointly and severally liable.
If a dwelling is occupied by several persons and the dwelling is occupied by them in different ways both as a main residence and as a secondary residence, the persons for whom the dwelling serves as a secondary residence are liable to pay secondary residence tax on the proportion of the dwelling attributable to them.


The registration of the second home tax is free of charge.

Required documents

Forms | Downloads

We provide you with the form as a "pdf file", it is optimally readable with the

Adobe Reader, which is available free of charge from Adobe to download is ready.

Legal basis (local law)

Responsible organisational unit(s)

Contact person

Mrs Vivian Schulz
Phone: 03334/64-221