Easter holiday programme at the Eberswalde Museum

The Easter holidays certainly won't be boring, as the Eberswalde Museum is turning into a photography workshop entitled "Glimpses in our mirror". From 14 to 16 April, children and young people aged 9 to 15 can get creative together with photographer Sarah Sandring.

Participants will explore the life and work of the two artists, Ellen Auerbach and Lea Grundig, during their time in Palestine. What stories do the pictures of the two women tell? Who did they meet and what did they experience?

In the photo workshop, the participants explore their personal reactions to the artists' works and bring their favourite image into the present. At the end of the workshop, all participants will design a room with their photographs to complement the existing exhibition. All you need to bring is some food for the day. Participation is free of charge.

Anyone interested can register by e-mail with the museum staff member, Mrs Antje Bastian: a.bastian@eberswalde.de or by telephone 03334 / 64-435.