About the professional fire brigade
The management introduces itself
Management of the professional fire brigade
Name: Helmut Colberg
Rank: City fire officer
Function: Watch manager / deputy head of office
in service since: 01. September 1984
Telephone: 03334 / 64-372
E-mail: h.colberg@eberswalde.de

Fire protection department of the city of Eberswalde
Name: Eick Reimann
Rank: Fire officer
Function: Head of the fire protection department
in service since: 01. October 2005
Telephone: 03334 / 64-373
E-mail: e.reimann@eberswalde.de

Secretariat of the professional fire brigade
Name: Peter Redlich
Rank: Chief Fire Officer
Function: Clerk
in service since: 01. April 1986
Telephone: 03334 / 64-371
E-mail: p.redlich@eberswalde.de

Short film in the fire brigade magazine
The fire service magazine visited us back in May 2022. The editor, Mr S. Buchenau, accompanied us on two shifts and gained an insight into our day-to-day work.
In the November 2022 issue of Feuerwehr-Magazin, you can find out what the editor experienced with us. In the article, he reports on the operations and presents the Eberswalde fire brigade in detail. During these two days, a short film was also made for the reportage by the fire brigade magazine and published at YouTube published.

Vehicles of the professional fire brigade
Fire service vehicles play a crucial role in fire protection and saving lives. They are specially equipped to respond quickly and efficiently to emergencies.
Service procedure
Have you always wondered what a 24-hour shift with the professional fire brigade is like? Varied and never predictable.
The following illustration is intended to show you how the everyday life of a professional firefighter can unfold. After all, in between all the daily tasks and work, there are always the current, never predictable operations. But this is exactly what every firefighter lives and "burns" for.
Service takeover
Taking over the resources and vehicles, checking that they are functional and complete. Exchange of information with colleagues about operations completed in the previous shift.
Operational equipment training
Regular training with the available equipment. Each colleague regularly prepares for a topic relating to the use of our equipment and resources, which they present in detail during morning equipment training. Theoretical knowledge is taught, repeated and demonstrated in practice.
Training, further education, economic tasks
Training on all firefighting topics to be as well prepared as possible for all situations in the event of an emergency.
Breakfast break
Training, further education, economic tasks
Further training on new service regulations, accident prevention regulations or familiarisation with new technologies and working methods in operations. This includes, for example, current topics such as e-mobility, solar and wind power systems, but also constant changes and further developments in the entire fire service sector.
Lunch break
Training, further education, economic tasks
Economic tasks mean, for example, the repair and maintenance of equipment. Even if some specialised equipment is only rarely used, its functionality must be constantly checked, it must be trained for use and every piece of equipment must always be ready for immediate use.
To ensure that the main station of the Eberswalde professional fire brigade always looks exemplary, our interior and exterior areas are of course regularly maintained and cleaned by our colleagues.
Coffee break
Duty sports
Duty sports in our own fitness area to maintain physical fitness. Every professional firefighter must be able to withstand heavy physical and mental strain when on duty. This is why daily sports training is firmly integrated into the service.
Standby time within the fire station and on the premises
Standby time with time spent in the standby rooms or rest rooms at your free disposal.
But always with the premise: The fastest possible deployment in the event of an alarm must be guaranteed.
Handover of service
The handover takes place in three steps:
1. Important information is passed on within the shift supervisor's office
2. Afterwards, those responsible for the three main areas of respiratory protection, vehicle technology and equipment technology provide important information
3. At the end, the vehicles are handed over. This means that each firefighter takes their personal protective equipment from the vehicle and hands over their position to the colleague on the next shift.
Duty rota model
The Eberswalde professional fire brigade currently has 3 watch departments, each with 10 colleagues on duty. With our 24-hour rotation service, with a working week of 48 hours, the fire station of the Eberswalde professional fire brigade is manned and ready for action 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a minimum of 7 colleagues.