EU funding, ERDF, EAFRD
With the Stadt-Umland-Wettbewerb (SUW) organised in 2015, the state of Brandenburg created an opportunity for urban-rural collaborations to receive EU funding for regional development. These funds are sourced from:
ERDF - European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020
EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The city of Eberswalde, in collaboration with the neighbouring municipality of Schorfheide and the adjacent authorities of Britz-Chorin-Oderberg, Joachimsthal (Schorfheide) and Biesenthal-Barnim, has successfully applied for the SUW as a cooperation for the central area of Eberswalde. Approximately €20 million in EU funding from the ERDF and EAFRD funds has been allocated to support the Eberswalde Central Region Cooperation.
The joint strategy "GREEN.CLEVER.TOGETHER - Shaping prospects for quality of life for all generations together" is based on the following guidelines
A. Developing habitats
B. Securing services of general interest
C. Promoting inclusive education
D. Promoting the tourism region
E. Improve CO2 balance, increase energy efficiency
F. Strengthening the business location
The projects for which EU funding is used (80 % grant for ERDF / 75 % grant for EAFRD) are presented below.

ERDF projects
Project organiser: City of Eberswalde
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The earmarked grant is awarded on the basis of the guidelines of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning for Sustainable Urban Development (NaS) in the version dated 14 August 2023 and Section 23 and Section 44 of the Brandenburg State Budget Code and the associated administrative regulations.
- Total costs: € 499,923.68
- ERDF grant: €294,176.20
- Urban development subsidy: €130,744.99
- Municipal contribution: € 65,372.49
- Own contribution: € 9,630.00
Implementation period:
18.12.2024 to 31.12.2027 (including proof of use)
The project ‘Preservation and further development of cultural heritage - project “Prefabricated copper house” 16227 Eberswalde, Altenhofer Straße’ includes the objective of the fundamental restoration of the original condition of the listed prefabricated copper house - model house type K Sorgenfrei, located at Altenhofer Straße 2 in Eberswalde/OT Finow to visualise and bring to life the contemporary testimony of Walter Gropius' first and smallest experimental building for the new copper house series, built in 1932, and the experimental modular house construction of the early 1930s for the general public. The project also honours the Jewish industrial heritage of the Hirsch family of industrialists and strengthens German-Israeli friendship.
Fundamental restoration of the original condition of the ‘copper prefabricated house’ monument in line with its listed status
- Planning of the fundamental restoration of the original condition of the ‘Kupferfertighaus’ monument, located at Altenhofer Straße 2, 16227 Eberswalde, in line with its status as a historical monument
- Careful removal and professional disposal of non-construction-period additions and extensions in coordination with the monument protection authority
- Restoration of the building envelope and the interior of the building, including the cellar and veranda, to the original condition of the building's original construction period in accordance with the preservation order, including through
- Renovation of the load-bearing timber components (timber frame elements in the walls and the timber roof construction),
- Renovation of the design-defining and unique copper façade,
- Renovation and restoration of the original wooden doors, windows and shutters,
- Refurbishment and, if necessary, reproduction of the design-defining metal wall and ceiling panelling (so-called living metals) used in the interior,
- Renovation of the existing floorboards,
- Refurbishment or production of all fittings,
- Implementation and updating of a colour and material concept to be drawn up.
Utilisation of the manufactured monument ‘copper prefabricated house’
Making it accessible to the public
- Visits, guided tours, workshops, readings, concerts
Site area: 579 square metres
Usable area: (= net room area that serves the intended use of the building): 35.50 square metres
Location: Altenhofer Straße 2, 16227 Eberswalde
Project organiser: City of Eberswalde
This project is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund.
Object: The conversion project is a dismantling project
- Total costs: € 1,204,345.24
- Grant: € 963,476.19
Implementation period: to 31.12.2019 (including where-used list)
- The area of the "Märkische Heide" will become an important area for measures to protect, maintain and develop nature and the landscape in accordance with the presentation of the land use plan, combined with the integration of the area into the landscape as an important supra-regional recreational area
- Elimination of significant potential hazards
- Refurbishment of the H4 "Warehouse" property
the breeding and habitat of protected bird species and
as a summer roost for bats - Optimisation of bunker no. 4
to the winter quarters for bats - Dismantling of structures, piles, shafts and bunkers as well as surface sealing including disposal
- Demolition 60,600 m3 of buildings
- Unsealing of 12,467 m2 areas
Surface area: approx. 12 ha
Location: Urban area of Eberswalde/District of Finow
- The area is bordered by forest to the north, south and west
- A residential area borders to the east.
- Historic, barracks of the western group of troops
Utilisation by the 787th Guards Fighter Regiment - Today, land area owned by the city of Eberswalde
- No subsequent use and no clearance after troop withdrawal
- Existing: 20 buildings at risk of collapse, bunkers, other structures, sealed surfaces
Area for the protection, maintenance and development of landscape and nature .
Coverage in the Märkische Oderzeitung newspaper from 10 November 2017
Coverage in the Märkische Oderzeitung newspaper from 17/04/2018
Conclusion of the "Märkische Heide" conversion project
On 7 May 2019, numerous interested citizens of Eberswalde gathered with Mayor Friedhelm Boginski, State Secretary Ines Jesse from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning, and the District Administrator of Barnim, Daniel Kurth, at the Thomas-Mann-Straße entrance to mark the completion of the construction project – the demolition of buildings and the unsealing of areas on the former WGT property "Märkische Heide." The aim of this project was to transform the former military area into a significant space for nature conservation, landscape preservation, and development in line with the land use plan. The project also aimed to integrate the area into the landscape as a key supra-regional recreational space and eliminate significant potential hazards.
Before the demolition began in December 2017, a building in the Märkische Heide area was adapted as a summer roost for bats, and nesting aids for protected bird species were installed. Additionally, existing bunkers were optimised to provide winter roosting potential for bats. Measures were taken to protect lizard habitats and wood ant nests. The demolition sites were monitored for nesting activity throughout the construction work, and any necessary site clearance, including tree felling, was carried out during the winter months, prior to the breeding season.
The total demolition volume amounted to approximately 61,000 m³, with around 12,500 m² of area being unsealed. Now that the demolition is complete, the area will be reintegrated into the landscape through reforestation and the development of dry grassland areas, turning it into a valuable supra-regional recreational area. The Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Brandenburg, represented by the State Road Administration, are responsible for implementing this development, following an agreement for compensation measures related to the planned B 167 bypass.
The project was made possible by subsidies from the State of Brandenburg and the European Union, with a total of around EUR 964,000 provided through the European Regional Development Fund. This funding was based on a cost estimate of EUR 1.2 million. Additionally, the district of Barnim contributed funds in line with an agreement within the framework of an area pool in the district, amounting to EUR 241,041.20, which was the city's contribution.
"Thanks to the funding and the involvement of the district, the area formerly used by the military has been transformed into a green lung in the Finow district and will now be available to the public as a local recreational area," said Mayor Friedhelm Boginski. A total of around EUR 983,000 has been spent so far, though the final disposal of the temporarily stored waste has not yet been completed, and the final invoice and subsidy settlement are still pending.
This project is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund.
Object: Mobility plan for the city of Eberswalde 2030+
The city of Eberswalde's mobility plan combines transport development planning, noise action planning, air pollution control planning and mobility management
summarised. These plans describe the guiding principles for transport development and the associated consequences.
The transport development plan in particular serves as the basis for transport policy decisions.
Its contents should go hand in hand with the objectives and measures of the noise action plan and the clean air plan.
- Total costs: approx. € 372,520.93
- Grant: approx. € 298,016.74
Implementation period:
02.07.2018 to 31.12.2020 (including proof of use)
The aim of the concept is to take up the changing mobility behaviour, i.e. the use of different means of transport for different journeys at different times (multimodal), for the city of Eberswalde and to examine it more closely in order to derive suitable measures for sustainable transport development planning.
Scope of services:
- Component I - Transport development plan
- Module II - Noise action planning
- Building block III - Clean air plan
- Module IV - Mobility management
Further information can be found on the specially created project homepage at:
This project is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund.
Object: The project is a deconstruction and remediation project
- Total costs: approx. € 1,740,000
- Subsidy: approx. €1,380,000
Implementation period:
07.07.2017 to 30.09.2019 (including proof of use)
- The former roofing felt factory, centrally located next to the railway station, is a large and significant old landfill site. This pollutes the groundwater and thus also directly the Finow Canal receiving water. It was agreed with the Lower Soil Protection Authority of the district of Barnim to secure this contaminated site and prevent any risk to the groundwater.
- Measures for the protection, maintenance and development of nature and landscape are implemented.
- Significant potential hazards are eliminated.
- Demolition of the existing buildings and paved area on the site
- Felling and clearing of trees and shrubs
- Profiling of the surface and installation of a plastic sealing membrane
- Creation of a complete securing structure consisting of drainage gravel, filling soil, topsoil and turf seeding
Surface area: approx. 15,000 m²
Location: Eberswalde urban area, north-west of the railway station
- To the north and east, the property borders on land owned by Deutsche Bahn
- to the east and south of private properties
- Historical, roofing felt factory
- Afterwards building materials trade and district construction company and seat of the city administration
- Today - land owned by the city of Eberswalde
- no subsequent use and no clearance - Future - secured contaminated site as ecologically valuable lawn area
- Safeguarding in the context of environmental protection
- Exclusion of residential development area, commercial development area and traffic area
Coverage in the Märkische Oderzeitung newspaper from 22 February 2018
Coverage in the Märkische Oderzeitung newspaper from 17 August 2018
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
You can find more information here: Cycling
Construction of a wooden bicycle car park
- Total costs: approx. 2,265,072.18 euros
- Allocation: approx. 1,745,117.20 euros
Implementation period:
- 02.03.2020 - 30.09.2021
The plan is to build a hybrid bicycle car park at the main railway station in Eberswalde. The façade, girder and roof construction will be made of wood. The ramp and floors are made of concrete with a mastic asphalt surface. The roof will have a green roof and a PV system for own use. A total of 604 bicycle parking spaces will be created for all user groups. The project serves to implement the integrated energy and climate protection concept 2013 as well as the transport development plan (2008) including the clean air and noise action plan and the cycle utilisation concept (2015) of the city of Eberswalde.
- Production of the base plate, ramps and floors
- Structure of the timber construction
- Roof structure, green roof, PV system
- Bicycle parking facilities
- Electrics
- Outdoor facilities
Surface area:
- approx. 1,000 m²
- at Eberswalde main station, on the Bahnhofsring
- Bicycle parking facility for 604 bicycles
Coverage by the Märkische Oderzeitung from 27 March 2020
Coverage of the Märkische Oderzeitung from 06/06/2020
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Barrier-free connection of the northern towpath to the city promenade on the Finow Canal
- Total costs: approx. 224,673.24 euros
- Grant: approx. 178,539.07 euros
Implementation period:
- 02.03.2020 - 30.06.2021
The aim of the project is to create a barrier-free connection between the towpath and the city promenade on the Finow Canal via the city lock. The project serves to implement the integrated energy and climate protection concept 2013 as well as the transport development plan (2008) including the clean air and noise action plan and the cycle utilisation concept (2015) of the city of Eberswalde
- Dismantling the staircase
- Barrier-free ascent of the embankment to the lock
- Surface sealing with asphalt
- Railing assembly
- Planting trees
Surface area:
- Length approx. 180 m
- Width approx. 2.50 m - 4.00 m
- Treidelweg - Am Kanal - Schleusenstraße
- Barrier-free extension between Treidelweg and the city promenade
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Barrier-free connection of the northern towpath to the B 167 at Kopernikusring
- Total costs: approx. 630,000.00 euros
- Grant: approx. 498,843.47 euros
Implementation period:
- 02.03.2020 - 31.12.2021
The aim of the project is to create a barrier-free connection between the Treidelweg and the Finow district. The project serves to implement the integrated energy and climate protection concept 2013 as well as the transport development plan (2008) including the clean air and noise action plan and the cycle utilisation concept (2015) of the city of Eberswalde
- Raising the towpath
- Renovation of the old heating plant bridge (corrosion protection, decking, railings)
- Renewal of the existing road surface between the bridge and the B 167
- Construction of a crossing island on the B 167
Surface area:
- Length approx. 380 m
- Width approx. 2.50 m
- Eberswalder Straße - Treidelweg - Straße des Friedens
- Barrier-free connection between the Finow district and the towpath
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Sustainable urban and rural development (NESUR) funding programme
Construction of two rescue stairs, a lift, a disabled WC, construction of a disabled car park and the construction of a new bicycle shelter for 42 parking spaces
- Total costs: approx. 1,292,384.39 euros
- of which grant: approx. 1,033,907.40 euros
Implementation period:
04.12.2019 - 31.12.2022
The city of Eberswalde intends to carry out extensive repair and modernisation measures at the Bruno H. Bürgel primary school, including the sports hall, in the coming years. With the implementation of the inclusion sub-project, the focus is on creating accessibility, improving energy efficiency and comprehensive fire protection measures.
- gable-side extension of a lift
- Addition of two rescue stairs on the gable end
- New construction of a disabled WC
- Creation of a car park with disabled parking space
- New bicycle shelter for 42 parking spaces
- Adaptation of the outdoor facilities
- Building drying/sealing work on the gable end
- Demolition, bricklaying, plastering, concrete, carpentry, painting, flooring and earthworks
- Breite Straße 69 in 16225 Eberswalde
EAFRD projects
- Village community centre Sommerfelde
- Barnim quality hiking trail
This project is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Object: Reforestation of windthrow areas after storm "Xavier" Forestry Division 405 and 406, Eberswalde municipal forest
Subsidies: 18.982,76 €
This project is co-financed by funds from the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection" and the state of Brandenburg.
The project "Restoration of a 1,188 metre long forest fire protection path in the Eberswalde municipal forest" is being supported by the EU.
Projects according to EU-MLUK-Forestry DirectivemB III Prevention of forest damage
Project description: Repair of 1,188 running metres of a forest fire protection path
Reference number: 208323000072
Implementation periodfrom 22/09/2023 to 30/09/2023
Reference number: 208324000070
Project description: Path repair of two forest fire protection paths in the Eberswalde municipal forest in the period 01.10 - 13.11.2024
Macherslust forest area Repair length: 795 running metres
Forest area Unterheide Repair length: 900 running metres
This project is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.