Fields of application

Children, youth, family

The places of employment in this area are the city's daycare centres, schools and youth facilities.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

In the daycare centres:

In each of the twelve daycare centres, there is one position in the pedagogical area and another position in the technical area.

In the pedagogical The federal volunteers support the responsible specialists in various group and individual programmes (games, creativity, music, etc.) and in looking after and accompanying the children (e.g. at mealtimes, sleep watch, wayfinding training). They also support the preparation and organisation of parents' evenings, parties and projects, provide telephone services and assist with household tasks (e.g. making beds, sorting laundry, cleaning).

In the technical craftsmanship The federal volunteers support the specialists in the area of Maintenance of outdoor facilities (lawns, playgrounds, herb gardens, etc.), e.g. weeding, watering, raking and sweeping. They also carry out small repairs and embellishment work on toys and furniture. They help with the decoration of the outdoor areas, both at festivals and on various occasions throughout the year (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving). At parties and celebrations, they support the organisation and help with the assembly and dismantling of event equipment.

At the schools:

They take part in the realisation of school projects and events such as school trips, day trips and school festivals. They look after the school library and support educational work through reading and writing projects.

Eberswalde Zoo

The Zoological garden of the town of Eberwalde is a little gem among Germany's zoos, not least because it sees itself as a place of species, environmental and climate protection. Environmental awareness is a top priority here, so that young animal lovers in particular gain a lasting impression through fun and games. But there are also special offers for senior citizens' groups, clubs and groups of disabled visitors.

Throughout the seasons, the natural enclosures offer plenty of space for encounters - across all five continents: from the most exciting lion enclosure in the world to the Amur tiger in the ice-age glacier area, from the communal enclosure for bears and wolves to the jungle house and the Australian meadow, which you can explore yourself.

Viewing platforms and observation points, educational pavilions, ecological nature trails and interactive information games invite visitors of all ages to discover, experiment and explore.

Federal volunteers are deployed in the area of environmental education / zoo school. They should therefore have a sense of responsibility and empathy towards children and be interested in animals and nature and in imparting knowledge in the context of environmental education.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • Supervision of zoo visitors on guided tours with school classes and daycare centre children
  • Organisation of children's birthday parties
  • Development and realisation of zoological puzzles and games as well as activity stands
  • Support in the preparation and realisation of events

Family garden

The Eberswalde Family Garden offers members of all age groups an attractive, varied and affordable range of leisure, cultural, play and recreational activities. The town hall, open-air theatre, fairytale world and many other attractions invite you to take part in numerous activities and events, or simply to relax.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • They support and supplement the full-time employees in looking after visitors and maintaining the park and leisure facilities.
  • They hand out play equipment, inform visitors and support people with disabilities.
  • Under the expert guidance of a gardener, they take part in mainly manual horticultural care and maintenance work.

Environmental area (building yard)

The building yard maintains and cares for the city's green spaces, playgrounds, sports and leisure facilities, as well as the municipal cemetery and the Eberswalde resting forest. Cleaning and repairing the roads is also part of the building yard's remit, as is managing the municipal forest.

The federal volunteers support the permanent employees of the building yard in these areas.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • Together with the employees, you maintain the green spaces, squares and facilities for recreation and leisure use by children, young people and adults. This includes small and large facilities and parks, public playgrounds, the open spaces of the municipal kindergartens and the cemeteries.
  • They support the building yard in the maintenance and mapping of street trees, the management of the municipal forest and in various environmental projects.

Cultural Office

The tasks of the Cultural Office include the promotion of culture, in particular the distribution, accounting and acquisition of funding. The Cultural Office is also responsible for the logistics and organisation of the city's events and exhibitions, including, for example, the exhibitions in the Town Hall and the Small Gallery as well as the city's receptions and festivals. The citizens of the city and the surrounding area are informed about current cultural events via the monthly cultural calendar and the annual calendar of events.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • You will support the design of the cultural calendar, e.g. make a pre-selection for images for the cover page. You will help with the monthly distribution of the calendar on site and with the dispatch process.
  • At non-commercial events and exhibitions, they support the logistics of admission, set-up and dismantling. They are also involved in looking after the artists and exhibitors.
  • You enter dates and brief content in the online event calendar.
  • For special events, they also take on project assignments such as the design of information material.


Founded in 1905, the Eberswalde Museum is now housed in the Adler Pharmacy, a listed building. Here, the museum presents a modern, barrier-free exhibition on the history of the city and the region on an area of 700 square metres, including a future laboratory in which educational museum events are regularly held.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • They help with the digital recording of the extensive photo collection, including sorting, scanning and digital and analogue archiving of the photos. The aim is to build up a collection that can be used for external enquiries, for screen presentations as part of special events and for the design of information material.
  • They are involved in cataloguing and organising the culturally and historically valuable collection items in the depot.
  • You will be involved in organising work in the museum, such as setting up rooms for public or educational events.
  • They supervise the museum and also help to secure additional opening hours for special events.
  • As part of the museum's educational programmes, they work on projects such as the graphic design of games and materials for schools, etc.
  • They distribute flyers and information material at special events.


The Eberswalde City Library is located in the Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre. It offers a wide range of services online and for visitors on site, from lending books to guided tours and free internet access. On request and by prior arrangement, the library staff will even put together a reading programme for you to borrow on the subject of your choice.

The library's conceptual focus is on promoting children's reading and language skills. In addition to programmes for schools, children and parents, the library makes its premises available for events such as the "Lesezauber" ("Reading Magic").

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • Together with the staff, they prepare the lending of media and check returned media for completeness and integrity.
  • They look after the library's media stock, help with adding new media, foil and maintain books, process and repair media or sort out items if necessary.
  • The supporting tasks of the volunteers also include preparing, helping to organise and running the library's many children's events.
  • They also help to prepare texts for public relations work and the website, collect and archive photos, display information material in the library and distribute flyers for library events.

Community centre in the Brandenburg quarter

The community centre has always been run by the city of Eberswalde. After its completion, the municipal neighbourhood management Brandenburgisches Viertel moved into its office in the building alongside other organisations. The creation of synergy effects between the community centre and the neighbourhood management, both of which are sponsored by the city of Eberswalde, are essential for the respective tasks and objectives and complement each other in their tasks and objectives for the neighbourhood.

With the community centre at Schorfheidestraße 13, the city of Eberswalde offers a contact point for local residents. The main task is to support diversity in the neighbourhood and to strengthen the identification potential for residents. There are contact persons for residents as well as for associations and institutions in the neighbourhood.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • They support the projects based in the community centre and the organisation of events and help, for example, with telephone service and providing information.
  • They are the point of contact for visitors to the community centre and are involved in target group-oriented activities in the district.

Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre

The "Amadeu-Antonio-Haus" civic education centre brings together numerous educational and leisure facilities under one roof (city library, daycare centre, Second Half of Life Academy, parent-child centre) and also offers an activity area for clubs, groups and initiatives. It is an education and communication centre for all age groups and also offers space for leisure activities.

Tasks of the federal volunteers

  • They help with the preparation of the premises for events, e.g. seating, lighting and sound equipment. They also support the projects and initiatives based in the Amadeu Antonio House in the preparation and realisation of events.
  • They support the employees, e.g. with telephone services, errands, shopping, etc.
  • They provide assistance for visitors with disabilities and are generally the point of contact for visitors to the community and meeting centre.