Social offers

City pass

Useful information about the city pass for the city of Eberswalde.

Zum Stadtpass


A list of all clubs in Eberswalde.

Zu Vereinen
Zwei Kinder auf einem Klettergerüst, sie schauen in die Kamera und lächeln. Zwei Kinder auf einem Klettergerüst, sie schauen in die Kamera und lächeln.

Family guide

The local alliance for families offers a comprehensive resource for families in Eberswalde in the form of the family guide.

Eröffnungstag Bürgerbildungszentrum Amadeu Antonio Eröffnungstag Bürgerbildungszentrum Amadeu Antonio

Amadeu Antonio Civic Education Centre

With the Amadeu Antonio Citizens' Education Centre, the city of Eberswalde has created a house of education, advice and encounters in the centre of the city. The historic building - originally built as a municipal secondary school - was extensively renovated for this purpose.

Bürgerzentrum Schmetterlingsblumenwiese Bürgerzentrum Schmetterlingsblumenwiese

Neighbourhood management Brandenburgisches Viertel

With the neighbourhood management office in the community centre at Schorfheidestraße 13, the city of Eberswalde offers a contact point for residents directly on site. The main task of the neighbourhood management is to support diversity in the residential area and to strengthen the identification potential for the residents.

Initiatives and volunteering

Many people in our city volunteer for our community - find out more.

Zu Initiativen


The city of Eberswalde offers a free counselling service for people with a history of migration, regardless of their origin or residence status, who have questions, need guidance and individual support.

Zu Integration

The social counsellor of the city of Eberswalde

The City of Eberswalde's social guide is a reference work to help you find the right organisations and authorities to answer your questions about social issues. Four areas are outlined here:

  1. Living, living and working
  2. Care, education and family
  3. Migration
  4. Health, disability and illness.
Keyvisual für Soziale Angebote für Bürger:innen in Eberswalde

We will start by publishing the first chapter "Living, housing and working". The other chapters will be added and incorporated gradually. The social guide does not claim to be complete. The City of Eberswalde endeavours to keep the guide up to date and is grateful for advice and corrections from experts. Once it has been finalised, the Eberswalde Social Guide will also be available as a print version.

Social guide - First chapter "Living, housing and working" and fourth chapter "Illness, health and old age"

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact:

Department for Social Participation and Integration
Mrs Sarah Schmidt
Breite Strasse 41-44
16225 Eberswalde
03334 64-501