Participation portal

Participation - southern route

What is the southern route? What measures are important for attractive and safe use?

You can download the feasibility study (in draft form) and the summarising presentation here view.

You are welcome to send us your comments or suggestions - we look forward to receiving your feedback by 27 March 2024 at

Future Council hands over citizens' report

As part of a pilot project, a new form of citizen participation was trialled in Eberswalde between November 2021 and June 2022. This involved implementing an online participation platform and a citizens' council, later known as the Future Council. The aim was to open up low-threshold participation opportunities in the urban development process.

"Eberswalde has a long tradition and a lot of experience in participation processes and has always been willing to try out new formats and instruments without prejudice. We are grateful to have been given the opportunity to participate in the "My City of the Future" pilot project, to implement the Future Council and participation platform and to be in a continuous exchange of experience with seven other cities in the state of Brandenburg, each of which is designing its own formats and projects. I would also like to thank all participating citizens for their commitment to the Future Council," says Mayor Götz Herrmann.

The Future Council focussed on five topics set by the participating citizens, which they felt should play a special role in the further development of the city of Eberswalde. On this basis, they jointly decided on recommendations for action.
The resulting citizens' report was presented to Mayor Götz Herrmann and First Deputy Mayor and Head of Building Anne Fellner on Wednesday evening, 7 September 2022, at the Eberswalde Hufeisenfabrik.

The five topics mentioned are divided into the areas of "Housing and growth", "Transport and mobility", "Urban development and climate", "Attractive city centre" and "Liveable Eberswalde 2035+". During the handover event, members of the Future Council presented some selected proposals in more detail to an interested audience, which also included some city councillors. For example, it became clear that a large number of the 29 council members were in favour of the expansion of barrier-free housing and the provision of better social and healthcare infrastructure. Access to nationwide internet and optimisation of local public transport are also desired.

The results of the constructive collaboration between the Future Council and the city administration are now available to the city hall and will be incorporated into future urban development considerations.

The City of Eberswalde would also like to thank the teams from the nexus Institute and complan Kommunalberatung for the preparation, organisation and implementation of the Future Council meetings and the many fruitful discussions.

Foto: (v.l.n.r.) Patrick Heger, Anna Müller, Antje Ziegler, Mitglieder des ZukunftsRats, übergeben das Bürgergutachten an die Erste Beigeordnete und Baudezernentin Anne Fellner sowie Bürgermeister Götz Herrmann