Building in Eberswalde

Fotografie eines Hauses am Kanal in Eberswalde. Auf der Wasseroberfläche spiegelt sich das Wohnhaus iund der Garten. Fotografie eines Hauses am Kanal in Eberswalde. Auf der Wasseroberfläche spiegelt sich das Wohnhaus iund der Garten.


On the "Bauen Online" service page, you can obtain information about your building application online as the author of the design or the building owner. The electronic building file provides you with a brief and concise overview of the current processing status.

Bild einer Baustelle mit Baustellenkran in Eberswalde. Bild einer Baustelle mit Baustellenkran in Eberswalde.

Building documents

Here you will find all information on building documents and the associated processes.

Fotografie eines historischen Wohnhauses in Eberswalde. Der Himmel hinter und über dem Gebäude ist stimmungsvoll bewölkt und man erkennt einige vorbeifliegende Vögel. Fotografie eines historischen Wohnhauses in Eberswalde. Der Himmel hinter und über dem Gebäude ist stimmungsvoll bewölkt und man erkennt einige vorbeifliegende Vögel.

Monument protection

In this section you will find information on support and coordination in the planning of construction measures in the field of monument protection and advice on applying for funding.

Laws and regulations

Local building regulations according to § 87 BbgBO and bylaws of the city of Eberswalde can be found at Local law.

  • Building Code (BauGB)
  • Building Utilisation Ordinance (BauNVO)
  • Brandenburg Building Code (BbgBO)
  • Brandenburg Building Submission Ordinance (BbgBauVorlV)
  • Brandenburg Building Inspection Ordinance (BbgBauPrüfV)
  • Brandenburg Building Fee Regulations (BbgBauGebO)
  • Fees Act for the State of Brandenburg (GebG Bbg)
  • Brandenburg Garage and Parking Space Ordinance (BbgGStV)
  • Brandenburg Firing Ordinance (BbgFeuV)
  • Brandenburg Test Expert Ordinance (BbgPrüfSV)
  • Brandenburg Safety Technical Building Equipment Inspection Ordinance (BbgSGPrüfV)
  • Building Energy Act (GEG)
  • Brandenburg Retail Premises Building Ordinance (BbgVBauV)
  • Brandenburg Lodging Facilities Construction Ordinance (BbgBeBauV)
  • Brandenburg Assembly Venue Ordinance (BbgVStättV)
  • Brandenburg Hospital and Nursing Home Construction Ordinance (BbgKPBauV)
  • Brandenburg guideline on building inspection requirements for forms of housing for people in need of care or with disabilities - Brandenburg guideline on forms of housing (BbgWR)
  • Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG)
  • Ordinance of the district of Barnim on the protection of trees (BarBaumSchV)

The list is not exhaustive. The building supervisory authority checks the admissibility in accordance with the provisions of the BauGB, the provisions of the BbgBO and on the basis of this Act as well as other public law provisions, insofar as they are relevant to the project applied for.

Responsible organisational unit

63 - Building regulations office

Contact person

Mrs Andrea Pahlow
Phone: 03334/64-632